jueves, 29 de junio de 2017

Prem Rawat

To be rich requires two things. To be rich requires two things: one is that you have something precious and the second part of it is you have a lot of it. 
See, if you have gold about the size of a pinhead, that won’t make you rich. But if you had a lot of it, that’ll make you rich. Two things to be rich: you have something precious and two, you have a lot of it. 
Now, the second question becomes: “Do you feel rich? Is there something that you have that is precious and you have a lot of it?” 
And I will tell you that there is something that is incredibly precious, and you have a lot of it. And it is this breath that comes and goes in you. Is it precious? Of course! No monies of the world could buy it. And do you have a lot of it? Oh, yeah! Day and night, it comes, goes; comes, goes; comes, goes…. 
Every second, if you can understand its preciousness—and every second is precious—and do you have a lot of those? Yes! Yes! But do you know it? Not think it, know it?
Peace is for those who know. Peace is for those who know.
So, I’m talking about the real peace in your life. This is what people want. This is what you have to want. This is what you have to need in your life. 
Do whatever is necessary to bring peace in your life, because when you bring peace in your life, not only will it bring you peace, it will also bring you an immense amount of happiness—and a gratitude: thankful to be alive. 

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