sábado, 12 de octubre de 2013

Do you know what’s happening in Long Beach, California?

Prem Rawat at the INSPIRE FOR PEACE Meeting and Fair, that's what!

The meeting will feature:
  • An address from Prem Rawat sharing his vision.
  • New music, videos, printed materials and Words of Peace merchandise, hot off the press!
  • An interactive fair with booths to explore, materials to watch and people to talk to about their grassroots initiative or project.
We'll also be talking about the amazing things that happened this year on International Peace Day at the meeting. From 1,000 people marching for peace in Ecuador to peace talks in Ivory Coast, some phenomenal initiatives took place — with remarkable results. The interview between Prem Rawat and Jeremy Gilley was broadcast to 25 million people in South America alone. Hear more of these stories at the meeting!

Who should attend?

If you're someone inspired to help share a message of peace — whether in your local community, at your college or amongst your colleagues — and you want to hear about Prem's approach and some grassroots ideas from people like you — this event is for you. You're very welcome to attend.
So what are you waiting for? Request an invitation for the Inspire for Peace Meeting and Fair in Long Beach, California!
Words of Peace Event Team,

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