sábado, 26 de mayo de 2012

TPRF Annual Report

Dear Friend of TPRF,
2011 was an exciting year of growth for TPRF.  From projects that provide food and water assistance, to Peace Education Programs that send a message of hope and transformation, TPRF has been engaged in endeavors that address the most fundamental necessities of people around the world. This year the 2011 Annual Report will be sent out primarily by email. This exciting change in format will allow the addition of video links and “read more” features for more in-depth information about projects of particular interest to the reader while maintaining the option to print a full hard copy if desired. If you prefer to receive a hard copy of the report by postal mail, you will need to “opt in” by updating   your profile on the TPRF web page following these instructions:
  • Visit www.tprf.org
  • Choose the “Manage My Account” link, which is below the “Subscribe” button on the right hand side of the TPRF home page
  • Log on with your username and password
  • Select “Update My Profile”
  • At the bottom of the page choose the option “Annual report by postal service”  
For those who may not remember their username or password:
  • Click "Get Help" from the “Manage My Account" screen and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • If your email has changed, you may need to set up a new account.

Please note that the deadline for updating your account to request a hard copy of the report is June 5, 2012.
Thank you for your generous support. It is the efforts of people like you that have enabled TPRF to fulfill its mission of addressing the fundamental human needs of food, water, and peace. Please enjoy reading about the many projects and successes that you helped to make possible during the 2011 calendar year.
TPRF Annual Report Team

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