viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2011

Brussels, Monday, November 28, 2011 -

 An audience of diplomats, representatives of institutions, nonprofit organizations, universities, private public organisms, has applauded the European Parliament in Brussels ´lectio magistralis´ held by Prem Rawat on peace, in the area of the conference "Peace and Prosperity - the founding values of the European Union."

Prem Rawat, who has been awarded by various institutions, including Italian, the title of Ambassador of Peace by virtue of its commitment to peace as a concept, aims to enhance the basic necessities in everyone's life, as they are considered fundamental civil rights, basic needs and access to opportunities.

In one of the most heartfelt passages, Prem Rawat has said that

"all human beings here on Earth are our neighbors, because we have no other neighbors out there. When you do not get along with others for differences in language, race or height, we deny the value inherent in ourselves. "

He added: "We tried everything but to give peace a chance. What is peace? The absence of war? No! The war happens because people have lost respect for each other. The rules have become more important than people. Peace is in the heart of human beings, not in their mind. "

The initiative, as well as the statement of understanding designed to seal the engagement of institutions in promoting and developing a society based on peace and consequently the dignity of the person and living together, has been promoted by the First Vice-President of European Parliament Gianni Pittella.

Stressing the importance of the commitment by the institutions that have signed the Pledge to Peace, Honorable Pittella said: "Peace is not only a goal of great men, but a duty entrusted to the contribution of all of us."
Referring to the riots that have passed through the Arab countries, Pittella manifested the hope that, with the help of ' European Union "the spring does not become autumm or winter, but in a beautiful, mild and sunny summer of democracy."

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