miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2011

Bulletin from the cause: Human Rights

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Posted By: Action Against Hunger | ACF-USA
To: Members in 22 Causes

Our work in Somalia and the Horn of Africa

Hello to our Causes friends!
Just wanted to shoot you a quick update on all of the amazing work we're doing in Somalia and the Horn of Africa.

  • Prioritizing lifesaving therapeutic treatment for some 10,000 children diagnosed with deadly severe acute malnutrition - through a network of 16 outpatient treatment centers - while building capacity to treat 20,000 children.
  • Therapeutic nutrition programs have incorporated medical care components, as there are few health centers in the region, with a special focus on mother-and-child health care and expanded immunization programs.
  • Teams setting up treatment programs for approximately 12,000 children diagnosed with moderate acute malnutrition.
  • We aim to help 70,000 people in Wajid (Bakool), improve there access to food, and include targeted cash transfers, animal health programs, and bolstering agricultural operations.
  • As one of the few operational NGOs in the regions of Bakool and Benadir, we've begun carrying out food distributions to ensure that families have access to basic survival rations.
  • Rehabilitating 25 wells in Wajid (Bakool) to ensure better access to safe water for 7,500 people and their livestock.
  • Emergency treatment of water sources - we're chlorinating 326 water points as well as promoting hygiene by distributing hygiene kits consisting of jerry cans for water transportation, mosquito nets, soap, cups, and other items to 5,500 households.
  • Sanitation activities, including the construction of 250 emergency latrines through the distribution of sanplat slabs and polythene sheets for siding that will benefit approximately 9,000 people
Please keep up your amazing fundraising and donation efforts - every bit truly does count.

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