sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011

WOPG Newsletter - A precarious balancing act, news from Malaysia, eye clinics in India and more

Words of Peace Global
From our blog
The Axle of Creation’s Wheel
Imagine for a moment that you’re in the middle of the ocean, standing on an isolated sandbar, with water lapping gently over it. As far as you can see, there is no land, no ship, nothing but a sea in constant motion. You know that beneath that vast fluid carpet, billions of hungry creatures swirl in search of a meal. This small bit of drenched sand under your feet is unstable. As long as you shift your weight from one foot to the other, the sand is just firm enough to hold you up. If you stop, you immediately begin to sink. In this predicament, think how desperate you would be to have at least one safe spot of solid ground where you can rest, even if it’s just on one foot.

Strokes of a Hammer
Last Sunday, I went for a walk in the gardens of Humayun’s tomb: the magnificent red sandstone and marble monument built by the widow of the 16th century Mughal emperor at the edge of what was then a former city of Delhi.
It's simpler than the much more famous Taj Mahaj, which was modeled on it, and, I think, more beautiful — the austere red sandstone set against an azure sky, the marble of its perfect dome swirling above it. It took just seven years to build, a remarkable testament to a wife’s devotion as well as craftsmanship and sheer dedication — particularly given the rudimentary nature of the tools that were used.

On the road

Report: Event in Shah Alam - February 17, 2011

On February 17, over 700 guests crowded into the Dewan Raja Muda Musa center in Selangor's capital to attend the second event held in Malaysia this year. After a brief introduction from the emcee and an enthusiastic greeting from the audience, Maharaji began to illustrate the difference between conceptualizing peace and experiencing peace. Throughout his talk, he continually returned to the subject of silence.
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Report: Event in Shah Alam - February 16, 2011

In Shah Alam — a metropolis on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur — Maharaji arrived mid-morning to speak to an audience of people who have already learned the techniques of Knowledge: a practical way he teaches to turn within. Catering to the diverse crowd of international guests, translation was provided in Tamil, Mandarin and Hindi.

Humanitarian aid
Preventing Blindness, Improving Vision in Rural India

For India's poor, the line between survival and destitution is thin. Deteriorating eyesight can be catastrophic for those unable to afford proper eye care.
Recognizing this problem, TPRF and its counterpart in India, The Prem Sagar Foundation, have sponsored eye clinics in some of the subcontinent's neediest areas since 2003. The most recent were held between October 2010 and January of this year. With a $10,000 donation, TPRF supported five two-day clinics in four different states.
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