martes, 27 de abril de 2010

personal report of Dehli event

...forwarding a personal account by someone who attended a recent event with Maharaji in India, New Dehli. 
By Jane Fleming April 11th 2010.
I have stayedat Raj Vidya Kendra (RVK) in  India  a few times before but never has there been such an incredible hush. 
A peaceful silence fills the atmosphere everywhere within the grounds of this extraordinarily beautiful place.
The abundance of chorusing birds can be heard above all else, peacocks roam from rooftops to gardens,
flowers of every colour and description are fully in bloom and the most exquisite butterflies gleefully glide and flutter in the heat of the day.
Whenever I have visited RVK in the past, an event with Prem Rawat had been announced.
The ashram then was filled with vibrant throngs of people, each with their own heart brimming with joy and longing to hear what Maharaji had to say.
Hundreds of thousands had been gathered here before, from all over  India , from all over the globe, 
tent cities had been in abundance to offer accommodation and the immense kitchens would be bursting to capacity, preparing delicious food for the guests.
Now though only a handful of people gather throughout the day.
Some are the families who live here, tending the land, repairing buildings, harvesting the crops, always preparing for the next possibility of an event with Maharaji,
and then there are a few who have come, travelling from different parts of the world, in hope that this will happen. 
In the cool of the late afternoon, just before the sun goes down hopeful men, women and children sit alongside the quite and still road that leads to the gate behind where Maharaji is staying.
Some tell me that he has taken a walk this time of evening, now they wait patiently, their hearts longing for another glimpse, 
another moment of time with this amazing man they all love and respect.
Then today, without any announcement, something truly wonderful took place. 
Those of us fortunate enough to be here found ourselves in the right place at the right time.
A car pulled slowly out from behind those intensely watched gates; 
Prem Rawat was driving. Slowly, very slowly, he drove, careful of all those who, on seeing him, 
felt magnetised towards the sheer presence of this majestic speaker.
The car turned into a side road, pulled up outside a redbrick building and stopping, Maharaji stepped out and entered.
People flocked to the entrances of the building, hope was there for all to see, hope of an event with Maharaji felt imminent and no,
we were not disappointed! 
The doors to the building opened. 
The eager, thirsty hearts now filled with tremendous excitement, immense joy shining from their faces, were rapidly filling chairs. 
Suddenly the room inside was alive with anticipation, waiting and watching the stage for the arrival of the one person all of us wanted to hear speak,
Prem Rawat.
Maharaji looked radiant, he spoke in Hindi, translation being available for the handful of westerners who sat side by side with  the local Indian people. 
He talked of surprises. 
He said that he had heard talk of this event being a surprise, but he said why should this wonderful occasion be a surprise? He was here, we were here and the hall was here! 
The event shouldn't be a surprise; it wars that ought to be the surprise.
Maharaji once again brought us back to the sweet reality of what is and should be important in our lives, the experience that is within inside each person,
the joy that we can feel, the peace and the love that is real for every person whilst they are alive. He mentioned visiting  Argentina  where they cannot get enough of listening to his message of peace on Words of Peace Global,
and how he kept telling them that there was more to his message! He also joked about what we ask for in this life and he said that if we want to ask God for anything, don't ask to be like a film star, ask for love!
For over an hour Prem Rawat message captivated his audience.
Children sat quietly, the old, the young, each mesmerised by this articulate, kind, humorous, yet very poignant speaker. His inspiration and perspective on this life, of being alive never ceases to amaze me. 
As swiftly as we all came together for this wonderful occurrence the gathering drifted quietly off into the evening air. Looking at =20=the people as they went to their homes, their dwellings, back to wherever they had come from,
you cannot help but notice how more radiant their faces glow.
Then I felt my own smile, the shinning  feeling emanating from my own heart. 
Yes, Prem Rawat message is real.

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