domingo, 7 de marzo de 2010


  Snippets of the event with Maharaji in Santa Monica, March 2010
(courtesy of Tweets from Innerlink) Robyn Botellho

We are all so interested in everyone else's story. Are you interested in what's going on in your little world?

There are people that are so fascinated about what's going to happen after they die, but they have no clue what's going on in their life.

The reality is that you are alive. That's a good reality.

Remember, it wasn't that long ago that we were on top of the world - everybody was rich. And then...

All of a sudden, you are not rich anymore. It disappears. This is the grand illusion. Looks incredibly real.

Illusion: it looks real. But is fake. That's the trap. We say reality is horrible. You exist. This is a beautiful reality.

Do you know what appreciation is? Regardless of age, this is one of the things that wil not change.

Appreciation. Even when you are 90yrs old, glasses look like binoculars. Appreciation. Yes.

The power of appreciation is not going to change. Hone in on it.

Is there something that is truly worth appreciating? And the answer is yes. What is it?

The moment you understand the simplicity of existence, this is worth appreciating.

Your desire to be fulfilled. This is worth appreciating. So basic. So fundamental.

A baby has a life in front of them. They have no idea of all the things that are going to happen in their life.

Ultimately, the decision to remain content at any given moment lies with that baby. Just as it lies with you. This is a decision you can make.

Deciding to be content: big decision. Will you? Are you going to?

Find out what you have and believe me, you will stop measuring you life by what you don't have.
Why make this earth so incredibly beautiful - after having seen it 200,000 times, it still takes your breath away?

There is a gift. If you don't know what that gift is, then you are always going to be looking somewhere else.

Find out what you have. Please. It is the gift of all gifts. The beauty of all beauties. That is what you have.

Do you know where your home is? Find your home.

Every day that you are alive, don't stop living. Be alive every day that you are. Even if you are on your last legs.

In my downs, I want to remember the up. And in my ups, I want to remember the up, up!

You are here. It's on! It's happening. The beautiful music you hear - the orchestra is not just warming up.

The day dawns, you awaken, you stir, and you are alive.

You want to know about karma? Pinch yourself. Do you feel pain? Karma. If the person sitting next to you screams, you pinched the wrong person.

You want to know the truth? The truth resides inside of you. Where else would it be?

Everything that is necessary for you to truly enjoy yourself is here. Make the connection.

You are alive. You have in you the ocean of joy. You have in you the ultimate happiness. Make the connection.

When you don't know, even answers are questions. And when you know, even questions become answers. How cool is that. How wonderful is that.

When you don't know, you wonder. When you do know, you are thankful. Make the connection.

It doesnt matter how old you are, how young you are, it isnt all here yet. It's still coming. Life is still coming.

It's raining gold. And here is the good news: it is going to continue. I better start gathering that gold.

Be rich. Feel rich. There are people who are very poor, but they feel rich. Do not be confused by your circumstances.

To be content in the heart, and to feel that place from which comes gratitude. Be in that simplicity.

Imagine a guy walking around, offering sandwiches. Are you hungry? Not, "Do you have a book?"

I am hungry now. I don’t want to read about food. This hunger can be satisfied. That’s good news.

I have the tickets to the best show in town. And you want them. If you want those tickets, I have them.

Here it is. Heaven on earth. What a show it is. Incredible. For you - for me. To understand. To grow.

If this place is really for suffering, get rid of the beautiful sunsets.

Don’t try to make every day the same. But see the same beauty in every day. Every day.

It is not impossible to be happy in this lifetime. It is possible. And don’t take no for an answer.

Give a chance to all that you already know. You already know.

Whatever you decide to do, be at peace. Experience dignity in your life. Experience peace in your life.

~ Prem Rawat (Santa Monica, March 2010-03-07;

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