miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2016


-TV: Sé que su mensaje llega a la gente a través de la televisión, la radio e Internet. Pero también hay un programa de educación para la paz dirigido a colectivos como grupos de vecinos o grupos sociales que necesitan escuchar esas palabras de paz. Y me gustaría que comentara algo sobre una comunidad muy especial, la de los presos. Normalmente, a la gente no le importa los presos; están cumpliendo condena. Pero usted sí se preocupa por ellos.
-PREM: Sí que me importan.
-TV: ¿En qué consiste su labor con personas que están en la cárcel y que seguramente por estar en prisión no han tenido una vida fácil?
-PR: Por eso es especialmente interesante. Porque eso es exactamente lo que cualquiera podría pensar: “Están en prisión. ¿Qué esperanza les queda?” Pero tenemos un hermoso Programa de Educación para la Paz, y lo hemos llevado a las cárceles. Yo he ido a algunas a visitarlos y he hablado con ellos. Y puede… que hayan hecho algo malo en la vida, y por eso están en prisión, pero eso no quiere decir que no sean seres humanos. Y también necesitan tener esperanza. ¿Y pueden sentir paz? ¡Sí que pueden! Y quieren tener esperanza. De lo contrario, ¿qué va a pasar? Tarde o temprano van a salir de prisión, volverán a delinquir y los meterán de nuevo en la cárcel.
El Programa de Educación para la Paz es maravilloso, y no es sólo para presos, también se muestra en bibliotecas, en asilos para ancianos. En realidad es para todo aquel que esté interesado en la paz. Y espero que el Programa de Educación para la Paz se siga difundiendo más y más, porque cualquiera que participe en él, lo encontrará beneficioso.
En la prisión de San Antonio, en Tejas, los funcionarios detectaron que las personas que participaban en el Programa de Educación para la Paz tenían el menor porcentaje de reincidencia, no volvían a prisión. Los funcionarios se preguntaban sorprendidos: “¿Qué está pasando aquí?”
Y en todas partes. He estado en cárceles de Sudáfrica, en Zonderwater, también en cárceles de Argentina y en San Antonio. Cuando voy a las cárceles veo a personas. Es tarea de jueces y abogados resolver qué delito cometieron y la pena que les corresponde.
Pero yo estoy allí como un ser humano dirigiéndose a otro ser humano, llevando un mensaje de esperanza, un mensaje de paz. Porque también ellos necesitan sentirlo. Y lo que suelen comentar es: “De haber oído este mensaje antes, no estaría hoy en prisión”. Son presos que quieren que sus familias oigan el mensaje, porque saben que sus hijos están tomando el mismo camino que ellos y quieren romper ese círculo vicioso.
Somos seres humanos. Nos tenemos que ayudar unos a otros. ¿Quién más va a ayudarnos? Somos nosotros los que tenemos que ayudarnos unos a otros a darnos cuenta de nuestro potencial, todos nosotros, todos. Y también todos debemos tratar de llevar el mensaje de paz, y hacer que la paz sea posible.
No he firmado ningún contrato que diga que es mi responsabilidad traer la paz. No. Tan solo juego un pequeño papel. Y cada uno ha de hacer el suyo. Así llegará la paz.
The Mission of TPRF is a simple one: to address the fundamental human needs of food, water and peace so that people can live with dignity, peace and prosperity.

lunes, 22 de agosto de 2016

Recherche de la paix : PREM RAWAT invite les ivoiriens a se tourner vers eux même

« La sagesse traditionnelle au service de la paix en Côte d’Ivoire », c’est la contribution de l’infatigable ambassadeur de la paix, PREM RAWAT, qui a animé une conférence publique le samedi 20 Aout dernier, au palais de la culture de Treichville, à l’invitation de l’Association Initiative Pour la Paix(AIPP). 
Le message du conférencier internationale PREM RAWAT relatif à la recherche de la paix durable dans le monde et en Côte d’Ivoire en particulier est simple et se résume comme ceci. « Montrer aux gens comment se tourner vers l’intérieur de soi et trouver la paix ». Un exercice pas toujours aisé à réaliser, du fait de la dimension universelle de la paix. « Ce message de la paix est simple. Il n’est lié à aucune religion. Il n’est lié à aucune philosophie. Il s’adresse aux personnes vivantes qui veulent faire l’expérience de la chose vivante qui se trouve en eux ».
Pour lui, la recherche de la paix nécessite une introspection renouvelée. « Tout ce passe en nous. Le bien est en chacun comme le mal. La pratique continue du bien fera de nous des hommes positifs. Cet exercice doit se régénérer en nous à chaque instant pour qu’il s’enracine », a confirmé PREM RAWAT. Toute une technique de méditation interne qui s’appelle, selon lui, « la connaissance de soi », capable de « nous apporter la paix et la satisfaction ». 
En hommage à ce message de paix, le président-fondateur de l’Association Initiatives Pour la Paix, le maire Georges Philippe EZALEY, a offert en signe de présent au conférencier, le passeport de la ville historique de Grand-Bassam, 1ere capital de Côte d’Ivoire(1893) et 1ere commune de Côte d’Ivoire(1914). En plus de ce don, monsieur PREM RAWAT à été fait chef traditionnel et reçu tous les attributs qui accompagnes cette intronisation, au nom du parrain de cette conférence, le ministre Robert Beugré Mambé, en charge de l’organisation des Jeux 2017 de la Francophonie.
Au nom donc du gouverneur Mambé, son représentant, le préfet hors grade, Jérôme Koutouan, à dans son allocution salué les valeurs cardinales de la paix prôné par le conférencier, avant de demander aux ivoiriens de faire de cet enseignement, un sacerdoce.
Le chef Gbizier Lambert, porte parole des chefs et rois de Côte d’Ivoire a lui aussi louer cette initiative et prier pour qu’elle se perpétue.


Chris and Daya

Chris and Daya are in concert tonight, 21 August, in Vancouver, BC
The ticket information is on their website. 

 Interview: Chris and Daya were interviewed by the Middle Tennessee Music’s blog. You can read about what they have to say about their music and their experience performing together.
 Middle Tennessee Music 

 Winner New Music Friday: With your help, Chris and Daya won the New Music Friday poll on Ear To The Ground Music. In the coming weeks, their album Envy of Stars will be reviewed by this very good Music Blog.   Visiting  Middle Tennessee Music and Ear to the Ground Music  will also introduce you to some very talented independent musicians.   

Chris and Daya’s new Album “RADIO,”  will be released by the end of August. There are some truly beautiful songs on this album.  Daya featured on several. Chris and Daya are loking forward to  introducing "Radio" to their fan. 

Upcoming Concerts;  Chris and Daya will be tourning October thru December.  Check in to see if they are coming to a venue near you. 

Demo page: There is a new live video on the Demo Page. Chris and Daya singing “Song Du Jour'” Song Du Jour is on their new album, Radio. 

For those new to the website:
The Password to access the Demo Page is:  ChrisandDaya  (one word Capital C and D)

 Also please follow Chris and Daya on Twitter
Reverb NationSound Cloud, and search for Chris and Daya on Jango Internet Radio and become a fan.

One more item. Songs from Envy of Stars can now be downloaded directly from Chris and Daya'swebsite  Songs from Radio will be availble early September

That’s all for now,
Fred, for Chris and Daya 


martes, 16 de agosto de 2016

PREM RAWAT in Putrajaya, Malaysia

Prem Rawat will be speaking at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre (ICC), Malaysia on Sunday the 9th of October at 17:30 (5.30 p.m.) local time.
All are welcome to attend this event.
Tickets can be purchased for RM 30 each from the online ticket agent TicketCharge http://www.ticketcharge.com.my/
Once purchased, tickets are non-refundable.
Each person can purchase up to 4 tickets. 
Please PRINT your ticket before arriving on the day of the event.
Only purchase seats you know will be used. If your plans change and you have spare ticket(s), please immediately contact helpdesk@wopg.com.my.
Tickets will be re-allocated to other people who want to attend this event.
Please note - it is recommended that you do not make travel arrangements until you have successfully purchased your ticket(s).
Ticket sales will start on Monday the 22nd of August at 10:00 (10 a.m.) Malaysian time.
The event will be held at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre (ICC), Plenary Hall, Dataran Gemilang, Presint 5, 62000 Putrajaya.
The event will start at 17:30 (5.30 p.m.). Lobby doors will open at 15:00 (3.00 p.m.).
The event will be in English. Translation will be provided in Mandarin and Tamil. Headsets will be available in the lobby.
Special needs support will be provided locally. Please contact putrajayaspecialneeds@gmail.com.
Do not film or record this event. Official recording is copyright protected. Anyone found recording will be asked to stop. If they continue they will be removed from the venue.
The event will be filmed. Purchasing a ticket constitutes both your agreement to being filmed as well as the release for your image/voice being included in print, social media, photographic, audio and video. If you are purchasing a ticket for another person, their attendance at the event constitutes the same agreement and release.
If you wish to bring children over 10 years of age, they are welcome if they have a genuine interest and can sit quietly for about an hour. Children under this age will not be admitted.
Need assistance? Call +60386892828.

sábado, 6 de agosto de 2016


Confirmed events are listed below, and new events are added as soon as possible.
Demand for seats can be high, so if you wish to attend, request your ticket early.
You can watch videos of Prem Rawat’s public addresses any time.

Thursday 18 August from 17:30
Accra, Ghana
Saturday 20 August from 17:00
Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
Sunday 21 August from 17:00
Cotonou, Benin
Friday 9 September from 
Suva, Fiji
Monday 19 September to Friday 23 September
Amaroo, Australia

lunes, 1 de agosto de 2016

Otinibi Teacher Credits FFP with Unprecedented Improvements in Students

This article is also available in: FrenchItalian
This is an interview conducted by TPRF correspondent Alex Wierdu with Christian Yaw Adinkra (pictured to the left), head of the social studies, sports, and religious and moral education departments at the Otinibi school served by the Food for People (FFP) program in Ghana. 
How does Otinibi Basic School compare to the school where you used to work?
Otinibi has a greatly increased enrollment due to the recent addition of students from all over the municipality. Food for People has made the Otinibi school unique. No other school in the municipality, or even the country, has such a facility. Also, the performance of students here is much better than at my previous school.
What impact does FFP have on kids at the Otinibi school?
I am awed at the power of food to help these children. Now they are excited, happy, and able to just be kids. It’s amazing! They are more dedicated to school, knowing they will at least get a delicious, healthy meal. Trust me, it’s not easy to study on an empty stomach. The children are more relaxed, focused and in the right frame of mind to learn and do better in school. They are also more hopeful. The thought that hunger will not make them drop out and that they will be able to complete school successfully gives them so much hope.
The money their parents used to give them for food is being used to pay for tuition, which allows them to stay in school. The health of the children has drastically improved, dropping the hospitalization rate and school absenteeism. Performance in academics, sports, and extra curricular activities are also greatly improved, making Otinibi a very popular school in the municipality. Kids are now proud to say they are students at Otinibi Basic School.
Is FFP helping the local economy? 
Yes it is. Monies parents would have given to their children for food at school are now saved and invested in petty trading and other small business ventures.
What challenges do graduates from your school face if they want to continue their education?
The primary challenge is usually financial. It used to be grades, but now even those are better. Being unable to afford the cost of higher education is still the main reason most students are not able to further their education. Also, some prefer to do menial jobs than to continue school because they see that as a quicker way of making money.
A few further their education to senior high schools, while others learn a trade or a skill such as sewing, hairdressing, masonry, carpentry, plumbing or driving.
To your knowledge, have any Otinibi Basic graduates successfully completed Senior High School or entered a post-high school college or university?
Well, prior to the facility being here, there were none that I am aware of. But after its establishment, the first beneficiaries are currently writing their final examination and are yet to graduate. I am very much hopeful that some of them will go further.
How does the FFP program compare to other NGO programs you’ve seen that try to help children?
Well, as far as l’m concerned, none have been as committed as this one. The few that l know of that have tried, have failed. FFP, however, looks like it’s come to stay. The staff is more dedicated and caring. The facility is hygienic and clean. The food is both nutritious and palatable, which is the reason the children do not miss classes. All these make FFP stand out from other NGO programs.
What’s the hardest thing about your job?
Apart from the fact that I can’t speak Ga, their local language, teaching, marking assignments, and trying to control the large class sizes are problems for me. But I consider those occupational hazards, so I manage.
What’s your favorite thing about your job?
What I really enjoy is the fulfillment I get from knowing that my students are focused, happy, willing to learn and more enthusiastic about school. It makes me very happy and proud when we participate in quizzes and sports, and my students excel. I also enjoy walking with them as they chat happily on their way to the facility for their food.
What would you like to say to the donors around the world who support the FFP program in Otinibi?
Words are not enough to express my gratitude and appreciation to everyone who is helping in one way or another to support this wonderful program. I want them to know that their efforts are not in vain, and their support is going a long way to empower and mold the future leaders of Otinibi. It also gives hope to parents that their children will have a brighter future. God bless Prem Rawat and every donor for thinking about us. Thank you very much.