domingo, 28 de junio de 2015
1.5 minute Video Ad Spot for Words of Peace broadcasts on FLTV, NY
1.5 minute Video Ad Spot for Words of Peace broadcasts on FLTV, NY from Inscapes on Vimeo.
Gary Bandzmer created this little ad spot out of a collage of Magnolia (and other) blossoms, and a cool little quote from, "The Oldest Song".
The original video can be seen here:
sábado, 27 de junio de 2015
martes, 23 de junio de 2015
martes, 16 de junio de 2015
L’Engagement pour la Paix : Prem Rawat s’adresse à différents publics en Sicile
La dernière semaine de mai 2015, Prem Rawat a été l’invité d’honneur de six manifestations en Sicile pour présenter son message de paix à des publics aussi variés que des présidents, des médecins, des malades et des détenus.
Le 24 mai, à Palerme, au Congrès national des donneurs de sang (AVIS), il s’est exprimé devant près de 900 personnes. L’organisation, qui compte 1,3 million de membres dans toute l’Italie, est signataire de la déclaration de Bruxelles de l’Engagement pour la Paix, inspirée par le travail de M. Rawat pour encourager une démarche pacifique dans le monde entier.
Lors de ce congrès, Gianfranco Massaro, président de la Fédération internationale des organisations de donneurs de sang, a accueilli M. Rawat avec la broche honorifique du donneur de sang – une goutte de sang incrustée dans du corail et de l’or.
« Aujourd’hui, la prospérité est menacée, le progrès est menacé, la croissance est menacée. Nous devrions nous entraider, mais au lieu de cela nous nous combattons. Chaque être humain devrait saisir la paix à bras le corps », a rapporté le journal Palermo Today, en citant M. Rawat.
Le 27 mai, lors d’une cérémonie au Parlement sicilien à Palerme, le vice-président, Giuseppe Lupo, a officiellement reconnu le rôle d’Ambassadeur de la Paix joué par M. Rawat, et l’a remercié pour son action en Sicile.
Le 29 mai, toujours à Palerme, M. Rawat a pris la parole devant 250 détenus et les autorités de l’Institut correctionnel de Pagliarelli. Dans cette institution, un groupe de prisonniers a suivi le Programme d’éducation pour la paix (PEP) de la Fondation Prem Rawat, une formation qui aide les gens à tirer parti de leurs ressources intérieures, comme la force, l’espérance et la liberté de choisir.
« Cette manifestation est l’occasion de lancer, à partir de ce petit bout d’Europe, un message qui sera repris, nous l’espérons, par de nombreuses organisations », a déclaré Nicola Cristaldi.
Lire sur le site de l’Association Percorsi les articles des médias italiens qui ont couvert ces manifestations.
miércoles, 10 de junio de 2015
Peace in the Classroom: Prem Rawat Addresses 4,100 Italian Students
On May 18 Prem Rawat spoke at the prestigious Convitto Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele school in Rome, capping an event that aimed to develop a culture of peace among young people and teachers. The program was beamed through a live video feed to over 4,100 students in 70 classrooms at four similar schools in Italy.
Prior to the event, the Rector of Convitto Nazionale invited Mr. Rawat to a meeting with teachers for an informal discussion. One of the questions concerned building trust with the younger generation. Mr. Rawat suggested that educators needed to focus on helping them realize their potential. Teachers, he noted, are tasked with great responsibility and can play an important role in helping build a better future. To help achieve this goal parents should show more respect to teachers, he said.
“I know you are young. There are many good things waiting for you, and there are many challenges awaiting you. The things that are good in your life hopefully will propel you to be more focused, more centered as you look for peace,” he said. “The difficult times are going to push you, derail you away from that. Whatever happens—in good times and in bad times—keep the focus. Never ever lose sight of the peace that dwells inside of you.”
The next day, Mr. Rawat spoke to dignitaries at another event in the Italian capital building. The event was covered by the Roma Daily News here. See below for an English translation of the media outlet’s story:
Mr. Prem Rawat, Ambassador of Peace, was received today in Campidoglio. The 58 year-old Indian is known for awakening awareness of friendship between communities and for his commitment toward promoting human rights. Mentor and main inspirer of the Brussels Declaration’s “Pledge to Peace,” he was awarded with the “Asia Pacific Brands Association’s Brand Laureate Lifetime Achievement” honor and many other awards.Mr. Paolo Masini, Councillor for Schools with a mandate for Interreligious Dialogue, received Mr. Rawat at Sala delle Bandiere in Campidoglio. During the meeting, Mr. Rawat addressed delegates of associations involved in promoting the topic of peace and introduced the Peace Education Program (PEP). The program is promoted by his Foundation and has been recently presented at public libraries in Rome.
“When I left India, many years ago, Rome was my first stop-over. Here I faced my first challenge: to understand how a Western country would react to my message,” Mr. Rawat said. “Being able to come back here and talk about peace is an honor for me. The word “peace” does not mean the same thing to everybody: for some it is the absence of war, for some it is friendship between nations. I don’t care what you call it. Peace is an inner feeling, not a topic to be discussed.”“Receiving Prem Rawat in Campidoglio is an honor for us,” stated Mr. Masini. “In these times, when fundamentalism is endangering serenity between communities, it’s important that the message of an historical bearer of peace is sent from the ‘home of all the Romans.’ Rome has a tradition and a calling for dialogue between different creeds and cultures; the Jubilee will represent the highest moment for disclosing these attitudes, through the many initiatives aimed at acknowledging the others that we are preparing.”
At the end of the reception, the Councillor awarded Mr. Rawat the silver cup of Roma Capitale–the symbol of the Roman spirit of friendship and the religions calendar, made by Religions for Peace Italia and the Department of Schools, Sport, Young People Initiatives and Participation.
domingo, 7 de junio de 2015
PREM RAWAT - SEGESTA, SICILY 2015 Sunday 28 June from 19:30 Segesta Amphitheatre, Calatafimi-Segesta, Sicily, Italy
Peace Celebration with keynote address by Prem Rawat
Celebrating peace and life at sunset in an ancient Greek amphitheatre
- 28 June 2015
- Event start time: 19.30 (7:30 p.m.)
- Venue opens 18:00 (6:00 p.m.)
The event will take place in a unique setting.
The Greek Amphitheatre of Segesta sits on the hilltop of Mount Barbaro overlooking the bay of Castellamare, in an archeological site that features one of the best preserved Greek temples in the Mediterranean area.
This archeological site, once the center of a thriving civilization, offers stunning panoramic views especially at sunset, providing a magical backdrop for a true celebration of life.
The event will contain an address by Prem Rawat, plus live music, readings, dance and more.
This event is being organized by the City of Calatafimi, Segesta in partnership with the Archeological Park and Percorsi Secretariat of the Pledge to Peace.
Everyone is welcome to attend this event.
- Closest airports are Palermo and Trapani.
- Buses will be available from Palermo and Mazara to the archeological site. For more information, please visit the event organizers website.
- Inside the archeological site, transportation will be provided to take attendees to the Amphitheatre. Local advice is not to be late!
- There will be a small charge for these bus services.
- Comfortable shoes essential!
sábado, 6 de junio de 2015
Parole di Pace
Prossimo evento in Sicilia con la presenza di Prem Rawat al teatro antico di Segesta il 28 giugno 2015. Musica, poesie e interventi all'insegna della pace.
Sul palco saliranno Prem Rawat, Lab Orchestra, Salvo Ficarra, Daya Rawat e Cris ed altri.
Tenetevi in contatto per altre info per partecipare a questo evento.
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