domingo, 30 de octubre de 2011

programacion noviembre,pamplona

 Programacion de Noviembre:

 Todos los sabados 5,12,19y26
   Hora :12,
del mediodia
   Lugar:Ciivivox iturrama,c/eskiroz,24

... 2012 ...

sábado, 29 de octubre de 2011


DIWALI 2011.m4v

What’s New at TPRF - Oct. 28

Several new articles of interest have been posted on in the last week:
Ghana: The Making of a Miracle: Kafui Adjei describes the exciting progress in the construction of TPRF’s third Food for People facility, soon to open in Otinibi, Ghana.
Prem Rawat Receives the Freedom of the City of London: Details about the ceremony at which Prem Rawat was honored with the Freedom, a ceremony first held in 1237 and considered to be the predecessor of giving keys to cities.
TPRF at WaterAid Anniversary Hosted by The Prince of Wales: Representatives of TPRF attend WaterAid’s thirtieth anniversary and discuss with Prince Charles the urgency of providing clean water to people with no access to it.
First Canadian Challenge Benefit: Read the delightful story of the latest golf tournament to raise funds for TPRF, which featured the imaginative fundraising approach of a “ball drop” from a helicopter, for which people from across the world could purchase chances to win a prize.
Explore the Employer Matching Gifts Program: With an employer matching gift program, you can sometimes double or even triple your gift! Check to see if your employer participates.

miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011

Prem Rawat en Nueva Delhi, 7 y 8 de noviembre

La Paz es Posible
La Paz es Posible
Evento en Nueva Delhi 
Hans Jayanti 2011
Acaba de confirmarse un evento en Nueva Delhi (India) los días 7 y 8 de noviembre.
Las personas que han recibido el regalo del Conocimiento y quienes se están preparando con las Llaves, están cordialmente invitados a asistir.
Habrá traducción al español.
Es necesario inscribirse previamente.
Para descargar el folleto informativo y el formulario de reserva, entrar en
Hans Jayanti 2011
Servicio de Información de la Fundación La Paz es Posible
Apartado Postal 2550 - 28080 Madrid – España
Tel.: 902.25.50.60 | Email:


martes, 25 de octubre de 2011

11-1-11 Worldwide Meditation

Countless individuals around the world share the belief that humanity's next evolutionary leap will be achieved by collectively serving conscious evolution. They support the need to build a global community, restore ecological balance and encourage social transformation that optimizes human potential. Let us together reflect upon our own individual and collective part of the evolutionary process. We invite you to join with members of the Evolutionary Leaders circle who will be meditating at their annual retreat in northern California at 11:11 AM PST on November 1, 2011.
Please begin by repeating the collective intention provided by Lynne McTaggart below and join us in silence wherever you are. You may log on to the Institute of Heartmath /Global Coherence Initiative’s Global Care Rooms to view where other participants are located through a beautiful representation of our Earth.
An audio recording of the 11-1-11 Guided Meditation will be available on the following day on the Global Care Rooms site and on the Evolutionary Leaders site at, allowing you to continue to do the meditation and hold the intention in the coming weeks.
11-1-11 Meditation Intention:
Our intention is to transcend superficial differences that divide us – race, religion, politics, beliefs, culture – to acknowledge, experience and honor the essential bond that unites us all as one interdependent organism.
We also intend to evolve in both consciousness and action so that each of us learns to perceive the whole, relate to others in wholeness, widen our definition of ‘we’ to be all inclusive and become evolutionary leaders for a peaceful, holistic, sustainable world.



miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2011

The Food for People Story

Sunday, October 16th was World Food Day, a special day designed to increase awareness, understanding, and action to alleviate hunger. TPRF is pleased to have marked this occasion with the premier of a new 12-minute video The Food for People Story.

The First Five Years

ffp storyOpened in India, 2006
A little over five years ago, the doors opened to TPRF’s first Food for People facility, located in a tribal area of northeast India in the state of Jharkhand, near the village of Bantoli.
Children here grow up with firsthand understanding of the daily struggle to stay alive. Simple huts with dirt floors provide basic shelter, and food must be coaxed from rocky soil or purchased with the money from hard manual labor. Plumbing and electricity in the homes is unknown. For many children, going to school is a luxury they cannot afford, while others who attend classes when they can, often do so sporadically and on an empty stomach.
One may well ask, what could ever turn this situation around? What could bring even a glimmer of hope for a better life, allow children to experience childhood and learn the skills they could use in the future while making daily life in the present a little easier?



Palavras de Paz é homenageado em celebração aos 10 anos da fundação da TV Com Maceió. Em solenidade, nessa sexta-feira, 28 de outubro o programa
receberá uma medalha e um certificado eternizando esse momento. Muitas autoridades estarão presentes nessa oportunidade transmitindo os parabéns ao
canal 12 transmitido pela NET.

A mensagem de paz em expansão

Depois de inaugurado em São Paulo, o programa expandiu-se rapidamente, ano a ano, para outras cidades dos estados de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro. Chegou
também a Porto Alegre, Florianópolis, Vitória, Brasília, Belo Horizonte, Recife, Salvador e a muitas outras grandes cidades brasileiras. Em 2011, Palavras de Paz é veiculado em perto de 80 canais em todo o Brasil e, hoje esta no ar em mais de 160 cidades do Brasil, alcançando milhões de pessoas e o número de emissoras interessadas continua crescendo a cada dia.

Prêmios televisivos no Brasil

Devido à rara qualidade de sua mensagem, em 2004, o programa Palavras de Paz foi laureado pela Associação dos Canais Comunitários do Estado de São Paulo
(ACESP) e, em 2006, pela Associação Brasileira de Canais Comunitários (ABCCom) com os seguintes prêmios:

·         "Audio-visual cidadania", dezembro de 2004, no Paineiras Clube

·        "Audiovisual Cidadania" , novembro de 2006, Anhembi Holiday Inn.

·        "Honoris Causa", dezembro de 2007

Segundo Fernando Mauro, presidente da ACESP, esses troféus especiais foram entregues considerando a importância do programa e de Prem Rawat. O ultimo
premio de 2007, foi concedido em "Honoris Causa"  à Prem Rawat, por sua 
importante contribuição na promoção da cultura de paz, e sumariza os troféus
entregues anteriormente considerando o alto reconhecimento pela excelência do programa.

"Considero pessoalmente que o programa "Palavras de Paz" mostra a dimensão correta do que é realmente importante em nossas vidas.", finaliza ele.

Além disso, Palavras de Paz recebeu prêmios na Holanda, Estados Unidos e México por sua contribuição a sociedade local.

Informações  <>


martes, 18 de octubre de 2011

WOPG Newsletter - ADI Magazine, Melbourne, Brighton and more

Words of Peace Global
Online store
The written word isn't dead yet
Compared with the latest viral video, anything printed might seem a trifle passé. However, we're firm believers that the written word — both on and off screen — can still deliver a powerful punch. That's why we're happy to bring you ADI, a magazine containing lightly edited excerpts of Prem Rawat's spoken words.
ADI is now available in eight separate editions. You can purchase each edition as a PDF through the online store or in print through MagCloud.

On the road
Report: Event in Melbourne - September 11, 2011
“By its nature, peace is something that brings a lot of joy. It’s beautiful. And it is something that we need. It’s not a concept, it’s not an idea, it’s not a luxury. This is a necessity. The desire for peace does not come from thoughts; the desire for peace does not come from hopes. The desire for peace comes from every single human being.”

On September 11, 2011, Maharaji flew to Melbourne to continue his tour of Australia. During his talk, he discussed the uniqueness of every person, the uniqueness of the blessing of the breath and the need to recognize that blessing in the present moment.
Read more

Event videos

Brighton, England

“Every day should be a celebration — every day. Every day, there should be an understanding about what it means that this breath came.”
Watch or listen to the talk recorded in Brighton, England on June 17 and 18, 2011 any time.

From our blog

A New Life of Possibilities

My name is Rene Chapa. In 2009 I was sentenced to the Dominguez State Jail for one year. Before then, my life had become chaotic and unmanageable. I wanted answers. I wanted to know why my life had been the way it was.
In prison, I attended classes, church, and AA. But I wanted more. Then I heard about the Inner Peace class [part of TPRF’s Peace Education Program in prisons]. I had no idea what it was. I just knew I wanted to be okay.

Humanitarian aid

Emergency Water Saving Lives in Ethiopia

Herders and agricultural workers in Ethiopia's Dollo Bay and Dollo Ado areas, near the epicenter of the worst drought to afflict the Horn of Africa in 60 years, are getting relief in the form of clean, safe water through a partnership between TPRF and International Relief and Development (IRD), an Arlington, VA-based nonprofit known for its rapid response to international humanitarian crises. TPRF approved a $25,000 grant to IRD to help provide emergency relief to about 24,000 people.

Copyright © Words of Peace Global

Words of Peace Global | P.O. Box 2745, 1000 CS Amsterdam | The Netherlands

Evento Introductorio

The Treasure Inside Website DVD

Treasure Inside Series
Treasure Inside
              Short Movies about Inner Discovery
The DVD is finally here and ready to be ordered!

On the Treasure Inside homepage, TreasureInside.html, you can click on the DVD image and go to an online store. There you find a web shopping cart where you can place an order. If you would like to see how the DVD looks, click the links to view the DVD case and to view the insert card.

The DVD includes the entire series of 15 movies: all the movies on the website plus two bonus shorts. Behind the Scenes and Credits shows how the movies are made and the people who worked on them. Treasure! is a short (but fun!) movie that will be used for online video ads.


But how much $?

DVD's are $16 (an even dollar amount cause I hate everything .99 this and .99 that). This is a good bit cheaper than most DVDs online (usually $19, sometimes lots higher).


Starting Conversations

Two years ago, when I first started making these movies, I had one purpose in mind. I wanted to have a way to talk about my discoveries. I was thinking of many images to clearly describe what I was learning. I decided animated movies would be an excellent medium to express them and I research how to do it.

Maybe you feel the same way? Maybe you think these movies are good descriptions of your own discoveries? Maybe you would like to give DVDs to friends and family members so they could ask if they interested?

So, I made a big discount for multiple copies. Every additional DVD is only $9 (2 for $25, 5 for $52) Do you want a few DVDs for yourself? Maybe a gift for a friend who is interested in inner experience? Maybe a few for people you know who want to split the shipping cost?


Why get a DVD?

I was asked about the reasons to purchase a DVD. "Why buy a DVD when I can just watch all the movies online?"

That's easy to answer. I came up with a few good reasons:

 - You can relax in your living room and watch them on your tv.
 - You will have no download problems: those awful pauses, hiccups, and echoes.
 - Your computer does not have a good sound system and want to hear them with good speakers.
 - You want to view easily but do not have a fast internet connection.
 - You want to split an order with friends - with the Gift Disc Discount.
 - You want to give gifts to friends and family that might start some conversations about what you're discovering.
 - You want to watch the 2 bonus movies: Behind the Scenes and Treasure! - which are only on the DVD and not on the website


Getting the Word Out

I'd like everybody interested to know about this DVD. I am sending out press releases to websites and periodicals. I'll be selling them in local retail stores. I told the audience at the Buck Fever FilmFest last night (where Tsunami Thoughts was named Best Animation by an Emerging Filmmaker).

But the best advertisement is You!  Please tell people you talk to, both online and off. Show them the movies on the website or on Facebook.

Thanks!    -- Joel




domingo, 16 de octubre de 2011


Celebrate World Food Day with TPRF

October 16th is World Food Day, a special day designed to increase awareness, understanding, and action to alleviate hunger. TPRF is celebrating with the premiere of a new 12-minute video, TheFood for People Story.
Come to the home page of the TPRF website and see the video along with a comprehensive article about TPRF’s model food program with slide shows from each Food For People facility.

sábado, 15 de octubre de 2011

What’s New at TPRF

Several new articles of interest have been posted on in the last week:
• Reaching Out with Social Media: Steve Kowarsky, an accomplished software and telecommunications executive, helped launch TPRF into the social media arena in a big way. In the first part of his interesting blog, Steve tells us how he did it.
• Inviting Peace In: Join Peace Education team member Marcela Isaurralde on a tour of the Ezeiza Prison in Argentina as she describes in her recent blog post the impact of the peace classes and Prem Rawat’s visit on inmates and administration officials.
• TPRF funds School Lunches for Johannesburg Teens: In the poorest sections of Johannesburg, balanced meals financed by a $30,000 grant from TPRF will give 500 high school students a better start in life.
• Sponsors for Peace: Travel to Friedberg, Germany to experience a first class Golf and Dinner event staged by an enterprising group of volunteers who really rolled out the red carpet.

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2011


Dear Blanca,
In just one week, almost 200,000 people have signed our petition calling on world leaders to break the cycle of famine and ensure people are hungry no more. That's huge. That's real political will and real momentum in our campaign to make sure famines like the one happening in the Horn of Africa right now become a thing of the past.
So, thank you for stepping up and joining thousands of others around the world in our campaign. Now I need to ask another favour of you: Please share this petition with your friends and family. Twitter, Facebook, email— whatever you're comfortable with:
By now you've probably seen our new video "The F Word: Famine is the Real Obscenity." It's getting a lot of media attention, and we're finding it to be an incredibly powerful tool for bringing new people into our campaign. Please consider sharing it— I think you'll really enjoy some of the reactions you'll receive:

Thank you for all you've done. More soon.

Stuart McWilliam


miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2011


Here is the Socialvest program I was talking about: Socialvest picked TPRF for this campaign because they like what TPRF is doing. Signing up for Socialvest is free and does not obligate you to anything.
The Prem Rawat Foundation and Mercy Corps address the fundamental human needs of food, water, and peace so that people everywhere can live their lives with dignity, peace, and prosperity. When people are in need of essentials like food and water, TPRF partners with local and international organizati...
This short film shows how WaterAid and its partners responded to the biggest natural disaster in Pakistan's history.

Facebook is a great platform to spread a word about TPRF.

Changing a life is as simple as changing a channel

Words of Peace Global
Dear Blanca,
Make peace prime time

Can you imagine the impact WOPG-TV might have if it was shown on the prime channels, competing with the best programs? There's no limit to the audiences it could reach.
It's more than possible — it’s on the threshold of happening! But your help is needed.
It makes a difference
Maharaji's message has the power to transform a person's life  – just read these statements by WOPG-TV viewers:
I only caught one minute at the end of the broadcast, but what I heard was enough to call. I moved back to Florida because I want to help people, but I know I need to help myself first. I think that's why I heard this today.”
“I never watch TV, but one day as I switched it on I saw Maharaji alone on the stage in front of a huge audience. What he said made sense to me, so I continued to watch. Then I watched the Keys and asked for Knowledge. Thank you.”
“Prem, thanks so much. I had been in need of inspiration, and then one day I discovered you on my local Time Warner Cable for CNY. I was mesmerized by your speaking capability and your ability to move me so profoundly. I love the way you express yourself and was unable to do anything except stay tuned and continue watching. It was like I was frozen in your words and they sunk in deep. Your humor was so needed as well! You are wonderful and have given me a new outlook on my life at age 41. Thank you.”
Please join us!

Your contribution today is critical to maintaining our momentum. The campaign began in July with meetings around the world and the first email about this effort was sent two weeks ago. Currently, $945,000 has been contributed, so we are almost half way to our goal. Please join our current sponsors to give what you can on a monthly basis.
With your help, Maharaji’s message of peace will be able to reach the most remote — all with the single click of a remote control.
Thank you,
Copyright © Words of Peace Global

Words of Peace Global | P.O. Box 2745, 1000 CS Amsterdam | The Netherlands