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jueves, 30 de junio de 2011
There is more to Maharaji's message than words: watch a video, read online, here are some of the resources available:
Peace is not just something nice to have; it is something we need to feel. We need the solid footing of peace in our existence. That is why this journey is so important.
How do we prepare ourselves to accept that what we are looking for is within? First, we need to turn down the noise of the distractions on the outside so we can see the contrast between what comes from the outside and what can be felt within.
When we begin to feel that contrast, it becomes easier and easier to see that the peace, the beauty, the joy that we are looking for are already within. Then the acceptance grows that there is a world within.
For those who wish to make this journey, I offer to help them prepare to learn the techniques of Knowledge, and I provide ongoing inspiration for a lifetime of enjoyment.
Prem Rawat, aka Maharaji
About the keys and discovering more;
Exploring the Keys;
The Keys, by Maharaji
July Campaign
Hi Everybody!
I’d like to give you a quick overview of a very exciting TPRF project for the month of July. It’s a push to increase the number of people on Facebook who Like TPRF. In this doc, I'm going to use the word "fan" when referring to someone who has Liked one of the three (English, Spanish, and Italian) TPRF Facebook Pages. We have a total of almost 8,000 fans.
One of our Social Media goals for 2011 is to increase the number of fans of TPRF's Facebook Pages.
Each new fan has the potential to further all the goals listed in our Social Media Policy. Becoming a fan strengthens the bond between TPRF and a constituent, plus it opens new lines of communication between TPRF and that constituent. This allows increased awareness growth via FB sharing and makes financial contributions through Causes and tprf.org more likely in the future. We have an opportunity to reach a huge number of people and establish future support for the life-affirming humanitarian work of TPRF and its Founder.
Right now, we are gaining about 1,000 fans per month. At this rate, we would reach about 15,000 by year’s end, which was the goal we set at the start of 2011.
That’s not bad, but I think we can do better. TPRF is going to make July Join TPRF on Facebook Month and conduct a campaign to have a major jump in fans during the month of July.
This will be a multi-faceted campaign. Current fans will get posts encouraging them to share the page and invite their friends to join. The collective Universe of Friends of our 8,000 fans is around 2 million people, so there is plenty of room to grow!
Also included in the campaign would be:
-Two bulletins to TPRF’s internal email list.
-Two bulletins to the FFP Cause members
-At least two Tweets
-Support from WOPG, hopefully including
Posts on WOPG’s Facebook Page
A mention in a WOPG email.
-Sharing the goal and the plan with TPRFnet members and enlisting your help
This is a perfect campaign for the summer. Liking a Page is a very easy thing for people to do. I think we can have some fun with it and hopefully see a major jump in fans in one month. I'm setting our internal goal at exceeding 10,000 fans by end of July, but I bet we can swing a few thousand more than that!
Thank you very much for your interest and support.
Vice-President, TPRF
I’d like to give you a quick overview of a very exciting TPRF project for the month of July. It’s a push to increase the number of people on Facebook who Like TPRF. In this doc, I'm going to use the word "fan" when referring to someone who has Liked one of the three (English, Spanish, and Italian) TPRF Facebook Pages. We have a total of almost 8,000 fans.
One of our Social Media goals for 2011 is to increase the number of fans of TPRF's Facebook Pages.
Each new fan has the potential to further all the goals listed in our Social Media Policy. Becoming a fan strengthens the bond between TPRF and a constituent, plus it opens new lines of communication between TPRF and that constituent. This allows increased awareness growth via FB sharing and makes financial contributions through Causes and tprf.org more likely in the future. We have an opportunity to reach a huge number of people and establish future support for the life-affirming humanitarian work of TPRF and its Founder.
Right now, we are gaining about 1,000 fans per month. At this rate, we would reach about 15,000 by year’s end, which was the goal we set at the start of 2011.
That’s not bad, but I think we can do better. TPRF is going to make July Join TPRF on Facebook Month and conduct a campaign to have a major jump in fans during the month of July.
This will be a multi-faceted campaign. Current fans will get posts encouraging them to share the page and invite their friends to join. The collective Universe of Friends of our 8,000 fans is around 2 million people, so there is plenty of room to grow!
Also included in the campaign would be:
-Two bulletins to TPRF’s internal email list.
-Two bulletins to the FFP Cause members
-At least two Tweets
-Support from WOPG, hopefully including
Posts on WOPG’s Facebook Page
A mention in a WOPG email.
-Sharing the goal and the plan with TPRFnet members and enlisting your help
This is a perfect campaign for the summer. Liking a Page is a very easy thing for people to do. I think we can have some fun with it and hopefully see a major jump in fans in one month. I'm setting our internal goal at exceeding 10,000 fans by end of July, but I bet we can swing a few thousand more than that!
Thank you very much for your interest and support.
Vice-President, TPRF
La Fundacion Prem Rawat En Facebook, ahora en tu idioma
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Copyright © Words of Peace Global Words of Peace Global | P.O. Box 2745, 1000 CS Amsterdam | The Netherlands |
“And however insignificant you may think you are or feel that you are
you can not forget the miracle that takes place
when this breath comes and this breath goes
this, understanding of this should be your passion
accepting this miracle should be your religion
adoring this existence should be your first love
giving thanks in return for this breath should be your duty” P.R.
“Y por insignificante que puedas pensar que eres o te sientas que eres
no puedes olvidar el milagro que se lleva a cabo
cuando este aliento va y cuando viene
esto, la comprensión de esto debiera ser tu pasión
la aceptación de este milagro debiera ser tu religión
adorar esta existencia debiera ser tu primer amor
dar gracias a cambio de esta respiración debiera ser tu deber.” P.R.
you can not forget the miracle that takes place
when this breath comes and this breath goes
this, understanding of this should be your passion
accepting this miracle should be your religion
adoring this existence should be your first love
giving thanks in return for this breath should be your duty” P.R.
“Y por insignificante que puedas pensar que eres o te sientas que eres
no puedes olvidar el milagro que se lleva a cabo
cuando este aliento va y cuando viene
esto, la comprensión de esto debiera ser tu pasión
la aceptación de este milagro debiera ser tu religión
adorar esta existencia debiera ser tu primer amor
dar gracias a cambio de esta respiración debiera ser tu deber.” P.R.
Your Religion
Palavras de Paz na Mostra de Responsabilidade Social da FIESP/CIESP - 2011
©2011 Aditti Comunicação | SP-Brasil |
miércoles, 29 de junio de 2011
Palavras de Paz -TV - São Paulo - www.wopg.org
Heure | vendredi, à 01:00 - 31 juillet, 04:00 |
Lieu | TV ABERTA - TVA - Canais 72, 99 e 186 - NET - Canal 9 |
Créé par : | |
En savoir plus | Conferindo "Palavras de Paz em São Paulo - Programação de julho" no Palavras de Paz: http://ning.it/kzpBOg |
martes, 28 de junio de 2011
There are people trying to bring peace.
Peace does not need to be brought from anywhere because peace exists inside of you.
Very humbly, I say to you that what you’re looking for is within you.
Peace for you as a human being is entirely possible.
Turn within and you will feel it.
- Prem Rawat (Maharaji)Peace does not need to be brought from anywhere because peace exists inside of you.
Very humbly, I say to you that what you’re looking for is within you.
Peace for you as a human being is entirely possible.
Turn within and you will feel it.
Barcelona Event, 25th June 2011
Addressing the audience in Forum Auditorium, M said that he was not a philosopher, because philosophy is about presuming, not about knowing. Then the all speech was an elaboration on observation, or believing vs. knowing; clarity vs. confusion.
We have a choice, if you want to be confused, just turn on TV and go through the channels. However, you can practice one hour and save the rest of 23 hours.
People are asking for blessings, but the most beautiful blessing is the breath. 'Live happily after' is possible only with this breath. Cinderella story is not true.
At the end, he announced Daya, as an artist, and she sang a beautiful song accompanied on solo guitar, in Spanish and English. She looked wonderful in black for a festive occasion. They both wave their hands for goodbye.
M has such a sense of humor and clarity, and gives colorful examples, that it is not easy at all to retell his talks, and these are just main points, in my view.
The video, before his address, was very touching, describing a Malaysian lady and an Indian (from India, not America) man from different social status, high and low, with the same longing for satisfaction.
Next day, remembering the Malaysian lady and looking at the blue sea from Barcelona's beach, full of sail-boats and seagulls, breathing that rich air as a most beautiful perfume, standing by the fence, as if on a boat, I just wanted to stay on board, with Knowledge, with that magic, and be safe forever and ever. The feeling was one of immense thankfulness.
Later on a plane, going back to Belgrade, Serbia, reading a magazine, again, like a flash of insight, I remembered what M said about fancy magazines selling dreams. But the reality just shown, was much more beautiful than any dream.
lunes, 27 de junio de 2011
Asociación Paz Activa
Informations générales
À propos de Asociación | El propósito de la personas que formamos la Asociación Paz Activa es el de promover una cultura de paz. Nuestra actividad está basada en acercar el mensaje que Prem Rawat ofrece para que cualquier persona, independientemente de su ideología, creencia o forma de vida, pueda escuchar y valorar sus palabras. |
Adresse |
Site web |
What do you practice?
Whatever you practice, you’ll get good at.
If you practice complaining, you’ll get very good at it.
You will be able to complain about everything.
When your friends are looking at the big harvest moon,
everyone in awe of the beautiful evening, you’ll be able to say, “Yes, but it’s so dark!”
So what do you practice in your life? If you practice peace, you’ll get very good at it.
If you practice joy or happiness, you’ll get very good at it.
If you practice knowing yourself, you’ll get very good at it.
You will know who you are. When you begin to know yourself, you begin to realize what a gift you are
and the value of every breath that you are being given.
- Prem Rawat (Maharaji)If you practice complaining, you’ll get very good at it.
You will be able to complain about everything.
When your friends are looking at the big harvest moon,
everyone in awe of the beautiful evening, you’ll be able to say, “Yes, but it’s so dark!”
So what do you practice in your life? If you practice peace, you’ll get very good at it.
If you practice joy or happiness, you’ll get very good at it.
If you practice knowing yourself, you’ll get very good at it.
You will know who you are. When you begin to know yourself, you begin to realize what a gift you are
and the value of every breath that you are being given.
Norwegian airline
This is the Maharaji started and ended his talk in Barcelona with ! This was taken in Gatwick as well ! but its not the Danish philosopher Maharaji talked about ,every plane has a different face in the back! : Hakan Holmkvist
Este avión es de la línea aérea noruega con que Maharaji
!comenzó y terminó su charla en Barcelona ! !Esta foto fue tomada en Gatwick, Londres! pero la foto no es la del mismo filósofo danés de la que Maharaji habló, !cada avión tiene una cara distinta en la cola!
domingo, 26 de junio de 2011
WOPG Newsletter - Running up and down the aisles, a Q & A session in Sicily and more
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Copyright © Words of Peace Global Words of Peace Global | P.O. Box 2745, 1000 CS Amsterdam | The Netherlands |
“You are a human being.
No matter what you do, make your life a success. Make your life fulfilled.
If you can’t find that fulfillment, come to me. I can help. I don’t charge for this. I give it for free. I give it for love.
I don’t charge because it is worth more than you will ever have.” Mji.............
To guide people through the preparation process, Maharaji has produced videos called “The Keys.” There are six Keys. Each one of them is a key point in the preparation. The first five each consist of a presentation by Maharaji and up to twelve hours of supporting video material. Watching these video
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