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Copyright © Words of Peace Global Words of Peace Global | P.O. Box 2745, 1000 CS Amsterdam | The Netherlands |
viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2010
WOPG Newsletter
WOPG Boletin de noticias
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Copyright © Words of Peace Global Words of Peace Global | P.O. Box 2745, 1000 CS Amsterdam | The Netherlands |
Food for the Forgotten
![]() The floodwaters inundated 38 of the country's 76 provinces, according to local news sources, turning nearly 1.6 million acres of farmlands into swamp and causing an estimated $333 million in damages. Five million Thais were affected. In Ang Thong Province, one of the hardest hit areas, official relief efforts concentrated on those who had lost their homes in the catastrophe. Small farmers whose rice fields and orchards were destroyed, but whose homes were still intact, did not qualify for assistance. As a result, about 1,500 people in 300 households scattered around Ang Thong's Bang Chao Cha and Ongkharak districts "did not receive any help in the way of food or drinking water. At present, their farmlands are still mostly flooded, as water levels have been slowly dropping," said Sang Arum Limwongtaworn, local coordinator for Betterment of Life Foundation (BoLF), a not for profit charitable foundation based in Bangkok. A $15,000 donation from The Prem Rawat Foundation allowed BoLF to feed these needy families for two weeks as they waited for the waters to recede. Each family received packages of nourishing indigenous foods, including rice, fish, green peas, processed vegetables, noodles, and chili paste, as well as bottled drinking water. |
Love the Present
Love the Present
Head bowed against the cold, I nearly missed an intriguing storefront sign: 'Love the Present'. People dashed around me on the crowded sidewalk as I stopped to look. Just a clever play on words, right? I went on my way, but couldn’t get the phrase out of my mind. What is a gift? I asked myself. Why do we give and receive? What does it mean to be in the present, and why is it something to love? I did some research and found that Christmas is just one of many holidays with a tradition of gifting. In fact, out of more than 4,600 religions worldwide, most have a day for giving presents. At Hanukkah, Jews commemorate the triumph of the Maccabees by lighting the menorah and giving presents. During the Hindu festival Diwali, people celebrate the return of Ram to Ayodhya by lighting lamps and exchanging gifts. Eid ul-Fitr, the Muslim holiday that ends the fasting month of Ramadan, finishes with feasting and gifts. Native American tribes of the Pacific Northwest honor “potlatch” — which derives from a word that means ‘giving’ — by distributing wealth among fellow tribal members. I think it’s safe to say that giving is a natural impulse for human beings and a widespread activity. So what does all this have to do with that storefront sign? What about the other meaning of love this moment? I mulled it over for a while and remembered that to love the moment, I have to be in it. The first step for me is to slow down… to linger... the way I did when reminded by that storefront sign. My next step is to become aware of my breath: just accept, enjoy, and appreciate it, the way I would a heartfelt gift from a cherished friend. For that is exactly what it is. I believe that a gift is something purely given, without expectation of anything in return. The real challenge is to receive it. Now I understand why the sign, 'Love the Present', was so eye-catching. It is here, and now, that peace, love, fulfillment and contentment reside — for me, the greatest gifts of all. |
jueves, 30 de diciembre de 2010
Two days left!
During December more than a thousand people have generously participated in TPRF’s $10 campaign for Food for People. Though far from the original, this is a wonderful achievement.
In the two full days left to donate in 2010, let’s see what more we can do together. It’s not too late to join this effort to bring help and hope to children who need food, water, and education.
Thank you from TPRF and the hundreds of children you are helping to enjoy a healthy and secure childhood while preparing for a future of new possibilities.
You may also be interested in TPRF’s new blog post about the official handing over of the land for the facility in Otinibi.
With best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year
In the two full days left to donate in 2010, let’s see what more we can do together. It’s not too late to join this effort to bring help and hope to children who need food, water, and education.
Thank you from TPRF and the hundreds of children you are helping to enjoy a healthy and secure childhood while preparing for a future of new possibilities.
You may also be interested in TPRF’s new blog post about the official handing over of the land for the facility in Otinibi.
With best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year
miércoles, 29 de diciembre de 2010
Dando desde el Corazón
En vista de que por ahora en la www.tprf.org
Video Enlace
La Fundación Prem Rawat: la generosidad del corazón.- El objetivo de TPRF (The Prem Rawat Foundation) es ayudar a que las necesidades básicas de los seres humanos estén cubiertas. Por ello, sigue una doble vertiente: por un lado, proporciona material traducido a un número considerable de idiomas para que todo el mundo pueda conocer el mensaje de Prem Rawat; y, por otro, lleva a cabo una labor humanitaria allá donde más se necesita. En este reportaje, tenemos la oportunidad de ver algunas de esas iniciativas.
martes, 28 de diciembre de 2010
By adressing conflict authentically we contribute to peace. Not the opposite.
Brigitte I. Kehrer, The Art Of Conflict, or How To Stay Zen
lunes, 27 de diciembre de 2010
domingo, 26 de diciembre de 2010
A Helping Hand for Haiti's Cholera Victims
International aid missions found about 1.5 million displaced Haitians living in improvised tent cities and camps. Overcrowding, impure drinking water, improper sanitation, and contaminated food make such conditions breeding grounds for disease. When cholera, never before reported in Haiti, first broke out in October, it soon reached epidemic proportions. Rising floodwaters in the wake of Hurricane Tomas abetted its spread. According to UN estimates, by mid-December the death toll had reached 2,400, and as many as 600,000 may be affected.
Cholera causes severe dehydration and can kill within 48 hours, but properly administered, treatment can be simple and effective. "Untreated cholera has a mortality rate of 50-60 percent," says Ella R. Gudwin, vice president of emergency response for AmeriCares. "If treatment is widely available, the mortality rate can be lowered to just one percent."
Gudwin explains, "The Haitian people lack two critical things to combat cholera: clean water and education about prevention and early symptoms should they fall victim to infection."
TPRF, which has assisted relief efforts in Haiti on several occasions over the past few years, responded to this latest crisis with a $40,000 grant to AmeriCares. The funds are being used to provide clean drinking water to over 38,800 people for a month to help them remain healthy during the epidemic.
Curtis Welling, President and CEO of AmeriCares, writes, “I am very grateful to TPRF for empowering our team to continue this life saving work. As this is TPRF’s second grant to AmeriCares, let me also convey our sincere gratitude for the continued trust you are placing in us to see that TPRF’s humanitarian objectives are realized.”
See related press release here.
Photos courtesy of AmericaCares
“I am saying to you: my credentials lie not in my words, but my credentials exist when you have that experience.
that’s where it’s at.
Anybody can get up and say these words... anybody. It takes entirely something else to back it up. Not only to back it up - but keep helping people, reminding people again and again to remember what they have found. And... keep reminding them again and again of its importance.
That’s what I do."
that’s where it’s at.
Anybody can get up and say these words... anybody. It takes entirely something else to back it up. Not only to back it up - but keep helping people, reminding people again and again to remember what they have found. And... keep reminding them again and again of its importance.
That’s what I do."
sábado, 25 de diciembre de 2010
May I Stay Here Forever
May I stay here forever
in this perfect place of peace with you --
the sacred space
between in breath and out,
timeless moment
before the need for anything has risen,
Buddha enjoying
his late afternoon nap
with no one around
to extract any meaning from it.
First, there is a breath.
Then, there is a second.
This is how I begin my long walk with you by the water's edge,
cool white sand beneath both our feet.
viernes, 24 de diciembre de 2010
Happy holidays to you and your family from WOPG
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Copyright © Words of Peace Global Words of Peace Global | P.O. Box 2745, 1000 CS Amsterdam | The Netherlands |
Maharaji in Barcelona
About 3500 pwk descended into Barcelona Spain, and although indeed it was not warm, it was better then the snow and ice in other Countries of Europe.
Despite the usual travelers lag, all were extremely happy to be here at the Auditorio Del Forum to celebrate this day with Maharaji.
Things commenced at 10:00am, as M launched into bringing us all back to that common ground, of realities deep contentment.
Because M has requested that writers leave out this whole aspect of M said, I will only skirt around my personal reflections, bringing to the fore once again that inexpressible feeling that ever is regained in his company.
Things began two days prior as set up began. Every event is a production in itself, taking the effort of about 100 personnel. I know you may think this could be useless information but really it is amazing to see, from origin to completion, the immense transformation that happens to these venues. I mean you take this lifeless hall and actually step by step breathe such life into it, that by the end of the beautiful drama, beauty can be perceived, as the very air seems permeated with that rich scent of completions perfume.
Three hours we soaked in his company, learning, laughing, crying, acknowledging and surely accepting the blessings that as this gentle constant rain in full on sunlight, fell upon our parched lands.
Everyone knew exactly why they made this journey. Enriched beyond logical comprehension, we gathered the nourishment that would allow us to ever go deeper in practice, with that gratitude that only this love can bring forth.
It actually was a whole days event, inclusive of practice, videos and a stunning surprise to all of a greeting line as the finale.
I know M was so happy to be with us, and as the roar of thanksgiving erupted from the stunned but elated throng of this precious gift, it was evident how everyone else felt in turn.
It is hard not to say a few words of what Maharaji said, for there was so much that needed to be heard, and most of all felt. I will say that Heaven entered these premises, and thus we were surrounded by all that attends this state of holiness.
Worries and concerns melted like they never ever existed, and joy replaced the
absence, where nothing less then fulfillment filling our cups. It is so easy to be happy, reveling in the freedom that peace brings. The master ushers us into his spacious estate where he lives and says welcome, rest your weariness and drink from these regenerating waters of life's indwelling springs.
It is amazing for when this permeates, everything else stops, for presence fills in all of space and whatever was distracting us from simplicities recognition, instantaneously vanishes.
You know that line ... Please let me come home, fine my rest ... .... ...
Well that pretty much sums it up.
JB ♥
Despite the usual travelers lag, all were extremely happy to be here at the Auditorio Del Forum to celebrate this day with Maharaji.
Things commenced at 10:00am, as M launched into bringing us all back to that common ground, of realities deep contentment.
Because M has requested that writers leave out this whole aspect of M said, I will only skirt around my personal reflections, bringing to the fore once again that inexpressible feeling that ever is regained in his company.
Things began two days prior as set up began. Every event is a production in itself, taking the effort of about 100 personnel. I know you may think this could be useless information but really it is amazing to see, from origin to completion, the immense transformation that happens to these venues. I mean you take this lifeless hall and actually step by step breathe such life into it, that by the end of the beautiful drama, beauty can be perceived, as the very air seems permeated with that rich scent of completions perfume.
Three hours we soaked in his company, learning, laughing, crying, acknowledging and surely accepting the blessings that as this gentle constant rain in full on sunlight, fell upon our parched lands.
Everyone knew exactly why they made this journey. Enriched beyond logical comprehension, we gathered the nourishment that would allow us to ever go deeper in practice, with that gratitude that only this love can bring forth.
It actually was a whole days event, inclusive of practice, videos and a stunning surprise to all of a greeting line as the finale.
I know M was so happy to be with us, and as the roar of thanksgiving erupted from the stunned but elated throng of this precious gift, it was evident how everyone else felt in turn.
It is hard not to say a few words of what Maharaji said, for there was so much that needed to be heard, and most of all felt. I will say that Heaven entered these premises, and thus we were surrounded by all that attends this state of holiness.
Worries and concerns melted like they never ever existed, and joy replaced the
absence, where nothing less then fulfillment filling our cups. It is so easy to be happy, reveling in the freedom that peace brings. The master ushers us into his spacious estate where he lives and says welcome, rest your weariness and drink from these regenerating waters of life's indwelling springs.
It is amazing for when this permeates, everything else stops, for presence fills in all of space and whatever was distracting us from simplicities recognition, instantaneously vanishes.
You know that line ... Please let me come home, fine my rest ... .... ...
Well that pretty much sums it up.
JB ♥
jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2010
Gotitas del evento en Barcelona el 19 de Diciembre de 2010 con Prem Rawat (Maharaji) de Antonio Sánchez,
Quiero informarles que las frases siguientes no son una transcripción oficial del evento. Yo tome notas escuchando la traducción de las palabras expresadas originalmente por Prem Rawat en ingles.
Abrigo la sincera esperanza de transmitir la esencia de lo que se dijo.
- El evento comenzo a las 10 de la mañana con un hermoso video del cual copié algunas frases: -En tu duda tienes más Claridad en ti de la que jamas podrás utilizar. - El peor cancer que puedes tener no es el cancer de este cuerpo sino es la falta de esperanza, ese si es el verdadero cancer.
- Despues Maharaji salio al escenario y habló más o menos durante una hora y aqui comparto con vosotros algunas de las frases de las que habló:
- Hay cinco grandes (bigggg) obstáculos para alcanzar la Plenitud,la lujuria (deseo, mé gustaria), la ira, los apegos, la avaricia, yel ego ú orgullo. Los tenemos todos, las mujeres liberadas deberian sentirse muy bien porque es algo que lo tienen todos.
- Los deseos són un mal uso de la Esperanza; puso como ejemplo la oración de Padre Nuestro, de como deberia ser: "que se haga tu voluntad asi en la tierra como en el cielo".
- No te enfadas con tu propia estupidez, te enfadas con todos los demás, mis amigos són tan idiotas, y tu eres más idiota todavia por tener amigos asi.
- Estos obstáculos te llevan a la ignorancia porque te olvidas de por qué estas aquí.
- Cuando te enfadas, en tu ira te olvidas de todo; y normalmente descargas tu ira con los que estan cerca de ti, tomaste el voto de no romperle el corazón a quien amas, pero te olvidas.
- Todo es completamente basura. La gente más deshonesta que ha existido siempre són los gobiernos y las religiones; no solo corruptos, deberia de haber una palabra nueva para definirlos, ¡¡ descaradamente corruptos !!, no les importa nada y tu les has dado el poder para mentirte.
- Cinco cosas que destruyen, a ti, al planeta y a la sociedad y solo una solución: El Maestro te ayuda a destruir los efectos; la conciencia es la unica luz que necesitas para llegar a tu destino.
- Damos vueltas y vueltas sobre los mismos problemas como girando alrededor de una rotonda (redoma) y luego crees que en esto consiste nuestro viaje por la vida, te parece que estas viajando pero, ¿dar vueltas a la rotonda, es un viaje?, esto no es un viaje, es una estupidez.
- Si no entiendes lo obvio te perderás, y lo obvio es que estas vivo y este dia que tienes es todo lo que tendrás, es largo, es todo para que puedas hacerlo bien, lo correcto.
- Desde el corazón acepta lo que se te ha dado y hazlo para que cante con la gratitud más dulce, hazlo bien y el corazón cantará, y esa será tu canción y todo estará bien, se dio la bendición y fué recibida, ese es el extito supremo, la realidad suprema, la dicha suprema, la paz suprema, la tranquilidad suprema, el plan Divino es que la bendición se está dando y cuando es recibida todo va bien; el Maestro te enseña a recibir las bendiciones; tu papel es recibir la bendición, no crearla ni interpretarla, nada más, es lo unico que va a hacer que tu corazón cante, no las mil explicaciones que tienes porque ellas vienen de esos cinco enemigos. Por eso es tan hermoso é importante el Conocimiento, cada vez que lo practicas te resetea, una vez más sabes la diferencia entre esa paz y alegria y los problemas, el Conocimiento no te quita a tu familia, aprende a navegar bien y navega.
- En una canción Kabir dice: La Vida se ha ido y solo queda un marco vacio. Todas las escrituras són exactamente iguales, ¿será que hay plagio?, dicen : Dios te pone a prueba, hay un pequeño fallo ahi -vamos a hacer una obra y tu vas a sufrir-, es tan estupido, mientras más tardas en explicarlo más estupido se vuelve.
- La bendición es dada y la bendición se recibe, eso es Perfección, ni más ni menos.
- Hoy tendrás la oportunidad una vez más de recibir la bendición, la aceptes ó no, igual la vas a recibir.
- La gente dice: no tengo tiempo para practicar, pues bien, ahora el tiempo te tiene a ti, llegará el dia cuando no te tenga, ese no será un buen dia, será un dia muy malo, el peor, y en ese dia concentrarse en esa bendición, Krishna dice: recuerdame en el ultimo aliento, al igual que al final del dia piensas en lo que has estado pensando todo el dia, en tu ultimo aliento pensarás en lo que has estado pensando toda tu vida, yo soy la libertad, dice Krishna.
- Es simple, la bendición se dá, la bendición se recibe, y todo está bien.
- Los que tienen el corazón de un niño, podran comprender el milagro.
- Por este aliento podemos ser el muñeco que somos, es lo que hace que todo ocurra, el amor, la comprensión, la sonrisa, por este aliento són posibles todos los demas regalos, viene el regalo de la vida, que puedas ver, apreciar, tener gratitud.
Despues tuvimos un receso, y al volver tuvimos la hermosa oportunidad de tener una revisión y practicar las tecnicas que revela Prem Rawat (Maharaji), las cuales no son sino utilizar el poder de tus sentidos é invertirlos hacia adentro de ti, y poder tener la experiencia de esa Vida que está dentro de cada uno de nosotros.
"El destino hoy es Adentro, Dentro de ti reside la sencillez, la dicha, la paz, están las respuestas, este es el momento de las respuestas" .
El evento de la mañana termino aproximadamente a las 2 de la tarde y se nos dió otro receso de 1 hora para comer.
En otra nota compartiré las notas de lo que aconteció en la tarde de este hermoso, amoroso, alegre y completo evento de todo un dia con nuestro querido Maestro ... continuará ...
Otinibi villagers talk about FFP
The new TPRF blog features what children, parents, and teachers from Otinibi, Ghana are saying about Food for People coming to their village next year.
Read Voices of Otinibi on TPRF's Food for People Blog.
Read Voices of Otinibi on TPRF's Food for People Blog.
miércoles, 22 de diciembre de 2010
The Heart Wants Peace
Indian Life & Style— This 5-page article, with photos of recent events with Prem Rawat and an overview of humanitarian initiatives by The Prem Rawat Foundation, was written by a New York journalist who interviewed Prem Rawat.
Download PDF
Anuncio semanal de WOPG en el diario Qué! LA RIOJA ESPAÑA
Por iniciativa de los voluntarios de Logroño, los lectores de Qué! se encuentran con el mensaje de Prem Rawat un día a la semana.
Se trata de un anuncio con formato “robapáginas” que se publica todos los martes en la edición de La Rioja y cuyo contenido varia cada mes, para promocionar http://www.facebook.com/l/
La edición impresa de Qué! se puede consultar aquí: http://www.facebook.com/l/
En el enlace incluimos el modelo que se publicó la primera semana.
lapazesposible.wordpress.com |
[En Contacto] FELICES FIESTAS | Un dia entero con Maharaji | WOMAD, Biocultura, Anuncio en Que, Feria en Sort | DVDs para eventos, descarga PDF
DICIEMBRE 2010 | |||||||||||||||
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celebração do dia contra intolerância
O Fórum Inter-religioso por uma Cultura de Paz, da Secretaria da Justiça do Estado de São Paulo, convidou Palavras de Paz para abrir com cânticos pela Paz a celebração do Dia do Combate à intolerância. O evento acontecerá no dia 20 de janeiro às 17 horas no Auditório do Tribunal de Justiça, no Pátio do Colégio - São Paulo.
O publico e de muitas autoridades estão convidados. Esta prevista a abertura com musicas e cânticos da paz, entoados pelos voluntários do grupo “Palavras de paz”.. O mesmo grupo tocará na festa de boas - vindas aos calouros da PUC entre os dias 7 a 9 de fevereiro. Se quiser se unir ao grupo musical, fale com Cristian
Veja como fica nosso calendário em SP para 2011:
20 de janeiro - Celebração Dia do Combate a intolerância na Secretária na Justiça de SP.
7 a 9 de fevereiro – Boas –Vindas aos calouros na PUC - SP.
O publico e de muitas autoridades estão convidados. Esta prevista a abertura com musicas e cânticos da paz, entoados pelos voluntários do grupo “Palavras de paz”.. O mesmo grupo tocará na festa de boas - vindas aos calouros da PUC entre os dias 7 a 9 de fevereiro. Se quiser se unir ao grupo musical, fale com Cristian
Veja como fica nosso calendário em SP para 2011:
20 de janeiro - Celebração Dia do Combate a intolerância na Secretária na Justiça de SP.
7 a 9 de fevereiro – Boas –Vindas aos calouros na PUC - SP.
Drops de Paz |
Pense na vida como a sua oportunidade de passar um tempo com o melhor amigo que você já teve.
É seu momento.
É a chance de estar com a suprema clareza que há em todo o universo. É a sua chance de passar um tempo com a suprema bondade. É a sua chance de passar um tempo com o infinito. É a sua chance de passar um tempo com a suprema alegria.
A vida é isso. Não foi prometido que ela duraria para sempre. Mas essa possibilidade existe. Você tem que passar seu tempo com o que há de mais bonito. E isso reside no seu coração.
É seu momento.
É a chance de estar com a suprema clareza que há em todo o universo. É a sua chance de passar um tempo com a suprema bondade. É a sua chance de passar um tempo com o infinito. É a sua chance de passar um tempo com a suprema alegria.
A vida é isso. Não foi prometido que ela duraria para sempre. Mas essa possibilidade existe. Você tem que passar seu tempo com o que há de mais bonito. E isso reside no seu coração.
Leia mais no http://contatonewsdapaz.blogspot.com/
Cinco grandes obstáculos para alcanzar la plenitud
Algunos extractos de la conferencia dada por Prem Rawat en Barcelona el 19 de diciembre
La sala del Forum en Barcelona se llenó por completo para escuchar la interesante y profundamente humana disertación del Sr. Rawat en un evento de caracter internacional
"Su tema central fue la vida y cómo podemos obtener plena satisfacción en este mundo; una tarea que parece imposible pero que, escuchando con qué claridad exponía sus puntos de vista mediante ejemplos del día a día, se podía vislumbrar que sus palabras encierran una profunda comprensión de la existencia y un encomiable deseo de ayudar a los demás.
Fue una tarde memorable para los que tuvimos ocasión de asistir a este evento de un día y muy de agradecer sus frecuentes alocuciones sobre la felicidad, la paz y el ser humano; una tarea encomiable la que está desempeñando el Sr. Rawat por el bienestar de todos.
Comentó que hay cinco grandes obstáculos para alcanzar la plenitud: los deseos, la ira, los apegos, la avaricia y el ego u orgullo. Esto nos lleva a perder el sentido de la existencia que todo ser humano debe buscar, a dar vueltas y vueltas sobre los mismos problemas como girando alrededor de una rotonda y luego ceer que en esto consiste nuestro viaje por la vida.
A su vez, las consecuencias de estos obstáculos están destruyendo el planeta, a las personas y a la sociedad." (enviado por JG)
Algunos extractos de la conferencia dada por Prem Rawat en Barcelona el 19 de diciembre
La sala del Forum en Barcelona se llenó por completo para escuchar la interesante y profundamente humana disertación del Sr. Rawat en un evento de caracter internacional
"Su tema central fue la vida y cómo podemos obtener plena satisfacción en este mundo; una tarea que parece imposible pero que, escuchando con qué claridad exponía sus puntos de vista mediante ejemplos del día a día, se podía vislumbrar que sus palabras encierran una profunda comprensión de la existencia y un encomiable deseo de ayudar a los demás.
Fue una tarde memorable para los que tuvimos ocasión de asistir a este evento de un día y muy de agradecer sus frecuentes alocuciones sobre la felicidad, la paz y el ser humano; una tarea encomiable la que está desempeñando el Sr. Rawat por el bienestar de todos.
Comentó que hay cinco grandes obstáculos para alcanzar la plenitud: los deseos, la ira, los apegos, la avaricia y el ego u orgullo. Esto nos lleva a perder el sentido de la existencia que todo ser humano debe buscar, a dar vueltas y vueltas sobre los mismos problemas como girando alrededor de una rotonda y luego ceer que en esto consiste nuestro viaje por la vida.
A su vez, las consecuencias de estos obstáculos están destruyendo el planeta, a las personas y a la sociedad." (enviado por JG)
martes, 21 de diciembre de 2010
Maharaji said in Barcelona that our five enemies are: Lust (it includes different desires), Anger, Attachment, Greed and EGO.
I'll try to be aware...
He said that it's better being humble, you duck and you'll avoid the bullets....
I'll try to be aware...
He said that it's better being humble, you duck and you'll avoid the bullets....
Traduccion del primer clip del evento en Barcelona
NO ES TA .. TA ..
www.wopg.org |
lunes, 20 de diciembre de 2010
sábado, 18 de diciembre de 2010
viernes, 17 de diciembre de 2010
Debido a que Antonio Basagoiti está muy ocupado con las próximas elecciones, ha decidido retrasar su ponencia en las JORNADAS DE PAZ EN BILBAO hasta el próximo otoño.
Marieemma Tarnawieki's Holiday Wish / Online Fundraiser for Charity
Time | Saturday, December 25 at 4:00pm - December 26 at 4:00am |
Created By | |
More Info | This year for the holidays I'm raising money for charity. Please click on the link below to check it out: http://wishes.causes.com/w Let's get in the spirit of giving this year and donate to TPRF: Food for People. Please go here to take a look: http://wishes.causes.com/w |
Tarjetas Peacecards WOPG para Navidad en español.
"Tarjetas Peacecards WOPG para Navidad en español, disponibles, la próxima semana.
* "Muy buenas noticias para la comunidad latina: la próxima semana estarán disponibles las"Tarjetas Peacecards de la WOPG para Navidad en español, por lo que ahora puedes compartir la alegría y la belleza, con todos tus amigos y si quieren saber más sobre WOPG y cómo se puede ser feliz y sentirse bien, esto les ayudará mucho. Puedes enviar las tarjetas Peacecards desde la WOPG.
"El arte del Equipo del Corazón"
jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010

Voluntarios de la Asociación Cultural Izan Ere en la Feria Intercultural de Barakaldo, Diciembre del 2.010.
Ayudando a la difusión del Mensaje de Paz.

Change a life-Change the World
miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2010
martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010
lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2010
Online Story Articles Weave Ancient Wisdom Into Present Day Truths
Who doesn’t love a good story?
The Ancient Wisdom Series is an expanding collection of insightful fables and profound life observations excerpted from the talks of Prem Rawat, bound into ready-to-read booklets and beautifully illustrated with fanciful artwork.
The series was first conceived in response to the request of an advisory committee member at a large prison in California: printed materials were needed to supplement the Words of Peace TV program that was available for inmates to watch. Over the course of the development of this series, volunteers for TPRF have been working on translation into 30 languages.
Recipients are varied and include individual readers as well as literary and language classes, members of the Taiwanese police corps, hospital staff, and prison inmates. The booklets can also be found in a number of doctor’s offices and websites.
Five of these booklets have been published online at tprf.org and wopg.org, including The Mirror on the Wall, The Archer and the Oil Merchant, The Door to You, and the newest addition, Trees in the Garden of Life. Each booklet is between 8 and 12 pages long, and some contain a fable while others focus solely on Prem Rawat’s message around a particular topic of self-discovery. More articles will be available soon. Several of the publications may be viewed online here.
A free online reading service called issuu.com has had over 62,000 page views for these articles, with more than 15,000 individual readers. The Ancient Wisdom Series can also be downloaded (over 35,000 downloads so far) and printed or shared on most social media sites, including Facebook.
High-quality hardcover copies of the booklets can be ordered from the print-on-demand publisher Magcloud for as little as US$1.85. This service is available in many countries around the world, including the US, UK, and Europe. Magcloud has sold over 2,000 printed copies, and with its recently expanded shipping to other countries, many more sales are expected. The series is also available on this site as a free iPad download.
The Library of Congress has recently awarded ISSN numbers to the series. These identification numbers for serial publications will allow libraries and publication databases to include the series, and make it available for a variety of purposes, including academic study and school use.
In the coming months, some of the exciting ways the articles in this series are being used will be profiled on this site.
The series was first conceived in response to the request of an advisory committee member at a large prison in California: printed materials were needed to supplement the Words of Peace TV program that was available for inmates to watch. Over the course of the development of this series, volunteers for TPRF have been working on translation into 30 languages.
Recipients are varied and include individual readers as well as literary and language classes, members of the Taiwanese police corps, hospital staff, and prison inmates. The booklets can also be found in a number of doctor’s offices and websites.
Five of these booklets have been published online at tprf.org and wopg.org, including The Mirror on the Wall, The Archer and the Oil Merchant, The Door to You, and the newest addition, Trees in the Garden of Life. Each booklet is between 8 and 12 pages long, and some contain a fable while others focus solely on Prem Rawat’s message around a particular topic of self-discovery. More articles will be available soon. Several of the publications may be viewed online here.
A free online reading service called issuu.com has had over 62,000 page views for these articles, with more than 15,000 individual readers. The Ancient Wisdom Series can also be downloaded (over 35,000 downloads so far) and printed or shared on most social media sites, including Facebook.
High-quality hardcover copies of the booklets can be ordered from the print-on-demand publisher Magcloud for as little as US$1.85. This service is available in many countries around the world, including the US, UK, and Europe. Magcloud has sold over 2,000 printed copies, and with its recently expanded shipping to other countries, many more sales are expected. The series is also available on this site as a free iPad download.
The Library of Congress has recently awarded ISSN numbers to the series. These identification numbers for serial publications will allow libraries and publication databases to include the series, and make it available for a variety of purposes, including academic study and school use.
In the coming months, some of the exciting ways the articles in this series are being used will be profiled on this site.
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