Tomorrow, June 29th at the European Parliament in Brussels, first vice president of the European Union, Gianni Pittella, will host a European conference on the important subject of Peace, "Words of Peace for Europe".
The conference will be presented by Prem Rawat, an authority on the promotion of peace who has shared his speeches and thoughts on all corners of the world and has been named Ambassador of Peace for the southern region of Basilicata, Potenza, whose capital is the July 3, 2009, appointment held in the Auditorium of the Music by region president Don Vito De Filippo. The conference also presented the Secretary of State of the Union, Russia and Belarus Pavel Borodin, always with the commitment to provide support to orphans. The President of the Republic of Italy, Giorgio Napolitano, welcomed the worthy initiative by sending a message of thanks and best wishes for a good course of work.
miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010
Mañana, 29 de junio, en el Parlamento Europeo en Bruselas, el Primer Vicepresidente de la Unión Europea, Gianni Pittella, será el anfitrión de una conferencia europea sobre el importante tema de la Paz, "Palabras de Paz para Europa".
La conferencia será presentada por Prem Rawat, una autoridad en la promoción de la paz quien ha compartido sus discursos y reflexiones en todos los rincones del mundo y ha sido nombrado Embajador de la Paz por la Región sureña de la Basilicata, cuya capital es Potenza el 03 de julio del 2009, nombramiento que tuvo lugar en el Auditorio de la Música por el presidente de la región Don Vito De Filippo.
La conferencia también presenta al Secretario de Estado de la Unión Rusia y Bielorusia, Pavel Borodin, siempre con el firme compromiso de prestar apoyo a los huérfanos.
El presidente de la República de Italia, Giorgio Napolitano, ha celebrado la digna iniciativa mediante el envío de un mensaje de agradecimiento y los mejores deseos de un buen curso de trabajo.
La conferencia será presentada por Prem Rawat, una autoridad en la promoción de la paz quien ha compartido sus discursos y reflexiones en todos los rincones del mundo y ha sido nombrado Embajador de la Paz por la Región sureña de la Basilicata, cuya capital es Potenza el 03 de julio del 2009, nombramiento que tuvo lugar en el Auditorio de la Música por el presidente de la región Don Vito De Filippo.
La conferencia también presenta al Secretario de Estado de la Unión Rusia y Bielorusia, Pavel Borodin, siempre con el firme compromiso de prestar apoyo a los huérfanos.
El presidente de la República de Italia, Giorgio Napolitano, ha celebrado la digna iniciativa mediante el envío de un mensaje de agradecimiento y los mejores deseos de un buen curso de trabajo.
It's Now
There are people in this world who will tell you how to cope with all your problems, not get rid of your problems, cope with your problems, “Manage your anger.” When things are not right, the gears grind, that’s anger. And people say, “No, don’t get rid of it. Manage it.” What? Breed it more? “Manage it.” There is a whole industry out there that is like, “Listen, you just learn to cope with your problems.” Then there is somebody else saying, “What problems? These problems? They will automatically go away. Don’t worry about them. One day they will all be gone. You won’t have them.”
The greatest problem you have is not recognizing the self. Your life will never be in balance regardless of what you do, if you don’t put the self first. Self is the one. Everything else is a zero. You can have three zeroes and then put a one. And what is the value of one, and what is the value of the zeroes? Zero remains zero; one remains one. Put one in front of those zeroes and what do you have? A thousand, ten thousand. Keep adding the nothings but, so far you keep that one first, it’ll just keep going, million, hundred million, a hundred, hundred billion, trillion. Flip it, and zeroes become zeroes, and one still remains one. A little formula. If you can place that self first. Not being selfish, not the self like, “I need to be in front of the light,” no, I’m not talking about that. That’s not placing the self first. That’s being selfish. That’s being stupid. That’s being arrogant. No. The self, in your own life, the self that you are, that swan, by whose presence all things happen, by whose absence nothing happens, by whose presence you are who you are, by whose absence you are nothing, by whose presence you are adored, by whose absence you are buried.
The good news is that this understanding, that this clarity, is possible. It’s all about joy. This is one life you have, not two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Get it right. Get it right, now. How many mistakes have you made in your life? People have their birthdays…50, 60, 70. Statistically, you’re getting there. But don’t be fooled. Don’t be fooled. Statistically, it all has started when you were born. You have been moving towards that one day at the same exact rate all your life. It may look faster now, slower before. That’s a grand illusion. You have been moving at a constant rate towards that day. It is not about where you are between the two points that counts. It is only when you get it that’s what counts. Even if it is two minutes before, but you got it, that’s it. You got it. Get it. Now.
Now is never too early, and never too late. It’s now. And if you do, it becomes simple. No more wars, no more wars. The war inside. This war has been raging on for a long time. And there is a graveyard where the slain moments lie, slain moments, moments lost to unconsciousness. And it’s huge. The cemetery is huge. You need to put an end to this war. That war outside is a reflection of this war. Does somebody else have to put out their war before you will put out yours? No. Be in peace. There are people who talk about being in peace, around the holiday times. I talk about being in peace year-round. People want to be in joy. They talk about being in joy around the holiday time. I talk about being in joy year-round. And forget about year-round, I actually inspire people to be in joy every single moment of their living life, because it’s possible. It is possible and it’s possible in your lifetime.
So, all those wonderful things, I hope they come true for you.
~ Prem Rawat
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News - Words and Music: A Welcome Fusion
lunes, 28 de junio de 2010
Maria Seco colaborando con el proyecto de difusión del Mensaje de Paz de Prem Rawat en la IV Feria Intercultural "Gentes del Mundo".
domingo, 27 de junio de 2010
Stella Maris Garcia Ardiles ha comentado tu publicación en el muro:
"Hola María, mira lo que me ha pasado, me tenía que ir de la feria, y leía lo que me diste en el bus hasta casa (en zurbaranbarri), y un señor miraba lo que leía y nos pusimos a conversar, le encanto la idea de la paz, es increíble, todavía no lo terminé de leer, pero ya te comentaré más, lo que puse hace poco en mi blog...bueno estamos en contacto, encantada de verte en vivo!! Un beso!"
Responde a este mensaje para comentar esta publicación.
Para ver la cadena de mensajes, haz clic en el siguiente enlace:
"Hola María, mira lo que me ha pasado, me tenía que ir de la feria, y leía lo que me diste en el bus hasta casa (en zurbaranbarri), y un señor miraba lo que leía y nos pusimos a conversar, le encanto la idea de la paz, es increíble, todavía no lo terminé de leer, pero ya te comentaré más, lo que puse hace poco en mi blog...bueno estamos en contacto, encantada de verte en vivo!! Un beso!"
Responde a este mensaje para comentar esta publicación.
Para ver la cadena de mensajes, haz clic en el siguiente enlace:
sábado, 26 de junio de 2010
viernes, 25 de junio de 2010
News - Event in Miami, Florida - June 2010
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Copyright © Words of Peace Global |
It's Possible, It's Happening
On June 22nd, Prem Rawat was honored by local leaders, citizens and officials at Garibaldi Piazza in Sandrio, Italy. Here is an excerpt from his address.
The desire to find peace is in the heart of every human being. Peace is not a state in which you become a vegetable. It’s not a flower painting. It’s not two fingers held high.
What is peace? When you are close to that god that resides in you, that reality that resides in you.
People want progress. People want prosperity. What is prosperity? Few years ago, US economics was the best. Few years later, it’s not so good. Turns out, the profits were made up. It seems when a whole bunch of people come together and decide to lie, it is all of a sudden socially acceptable, and it becomes the truth. That’s not truth. You want to know what truth is? Then turn to your self, look in your heart and you will know what truth is.
Peace is not a social thing. Peace is the lamp that is lit inside of you. The lamp of understanding, The lamp of clarity. The lamp of knowledge. The lamp that has the power to remove the darkness. That’s what knowledge is – to know. To know. Not to guess. Not to debate. But see the obviousness of every single living human being on the face of this earth, and understand that they are not any different than you.
You, like everyone else, has that quest to be fulfilled in this life. If peace is what we want, we can have it. If we can go to the moon, we can have peace. Peace is not impossible.
A lot of people said to go to the moon - it could not be done. A trip to the moon was made successful by the efforts of the people who said, “It can be done.” You being here represent, hopefully, those people who say, “Peace is possible.” Not, “Peace is impossible, and here are the reasons.”
I have met people who are very poor and very rich. Each time, it is the same thing. “I want peace in my life.” If each one of us can be that lamp that is lit, lit with knowledge, lit with understanding, lit with clarity, then we hold the potential to light and unlimited amount of unlit lamps. That’s the possibility.
One lit lamp can light countless unlit lamps. Not only is it possible, but it begins with you. The search within your heart. That first step is to begin to have access to your heart. It is in the depths of your heart that lies the thirst that will lead you to the well. Thirsty can understand the value of water. Hungry can understand the value of food. And you need to feel that thirst in your life that dwells inside you. Your life.
Your existence means something. That is important.
On June 22nd, Prem Rawat was honored by local leaders, citizens and officials at Garibaldi Piazza in
Subject: On June 22nd, Prem Rawat was honored by local leaders, citizens and officials at Garibaldi Piazza in Sandrio, Italy. Here is an excerpt from his address. The desire to find peace is in the heart of every human being. Peace is not a state in which you become a vegetable. It’s not a flower painting. It’s not two fingers held high. What is peace? When you are close to that god that resides in you, that reality that resides in you. People want progress. People want prosperity. What is prosperity? Few years ago, US economics was the best. Few years later, it’s not so good. Turns out, the profits were made up. It seems when a whole bunch of people come together and decide to lie, it is all of a sudden socially acceptable, and it becomes the truth. That’s not truth. You want to know what truth is? Then turn to your self, look in your heart and you will know what truth is. Peace is not a social thing. Peace is the lamp that is lit inside of you. The lamp of understanding, The lamp of clarity. The lamp of knowledge. The lamp that has the power to remove the darkness. That’s what knowledge is – to know. To know. Not to guess. Not to debate. But see the obviousness of every single living human being on the face of this earth, and understand that they are not any different than you. You, like everyone else, has that quest to be fulfilled in this life. If peace is what we want, we can have it. If we can go to the moon, we can have peace. Peace is not impossible. A lot of people said to go to the moon - it could not be done. A trip to the moon was made successful by the efforts of the people who said, “It can be done.” You being here represent, hopefully, those people who say, “Peace is possible.” Not, “Peace is impossible, and here are the reasons.” I have met people who are very poor and very rich. Each time, it is the same thing. “I want peace in my life.” If each one of us can be that lamp that is lit, lit with knowledge, lit with understanding, lit with clarity, then we hold the potential to light and unlimited amount of unlit lamps. That’s the possibility. One lit lamp can light countless unlit lamps. Not only is it possible, but it begins with you. The search within your heart. That first step is to begin to have access to your heart. It is in the depths of your heart that lies the thirst that will lead you to the well. Thirsty can understand the value of water. Hungry can understand the value of food. And you need to feel that thirst in your life that dwells inside you. Your life. Your existence means something. That is important. Prem Rawat, June 22, 2010 Garibaldi Piazza, Sandrio, Italy |
jueves, 24 de junio de 2010
Evento con Prem Rawat en Barcelona
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Evento en Barcelona (España) - 4 de julio de 2010
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Copyright © Words of Peace Global Words of Peace Global | P.O. Box 2745, 1000 CS Amsterdam | The Netherlands |
miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010
martes, 22 de junio de 2010
All The Success
In this life, you have a choice. You can either get frustrated, bewildered, sink in the deep hole of doubt, or you can understand.
Life is a powerful thing. Existence is a powerful thing. The desire to be fulfilled is a powerful thing. It’s a powerful element. Peace, clarity - in these things I trust, in these things I find my comfort, in these elements, that something inside of me perseveres to want to achieve that clarity in my life. To achieve that peace in my life.
What do I know? There is so much that I see. And there is so much that remains unseen. So somebody comes along in your life and says, “Okay. So you see all of this. Fine. Now let me show you something else.” Show me. Show me. Show me. Let me look through your eyes. I’ve been looking at my life through my eyes. I say, “Look at your life through my eyes, and you will see a simplicity,” not the burdens, not the pains, not the dualities, not the clashing, but see this human being, a success story, the success that started a long time ago, and is still unfolding, and will be a success till the very last breath. And if the heart is full, that’s it, all the success.
~ Prem Rawat
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domingo, 20 de junio de 2010
Evento Barcelona para intereses y autobús
¡Hola! El evento de Barcelona del 4 de julio estará abierto a todas las personas que quiera asistir, es decir personas que han recibido las técnicas, personas viendo Las Llaves o personas que tienen interés en escuchar la propuesta de Prem Rawat. Os pediría que hagáis llegar esta noticia a todo el mundo pero especiálmente a las personas que asisten a los eventos públicos que solemos organizar a nivel local y lo podemos hacer via SMS, llamada personal o lo que nos parezca más indicado. Cada caso es cada caso. En algunos casos nos deberíamos ofrecer (personas que no están habituadas a manejarse en Internet) a hacerles la registración y hablarles con toda naturalidad (si nos sentimos cómodos con ello) de que no es obligatorio abonar nada para asistir pero que se aceptan donaciones para sufragar los gastos del evento, alquiler de sala... etc....
En San Sebastián estamos organizando un autobús para facilitar el desplazamiento al evento, tanto a las personas interesadas como a los pccs o aspirantes que quieran. Saldrá de San Sebastián el mismo dia del evento y volverá nada más terminar el mismo, con las paradas necesarias para recoger gente en el camino. Se encarga del autobús Pablo Ripalda, tel. 648880429. Importe del billete 50 euros.
Prem Rawat en Barcelona, España
4 de julio 2010 - Barcelona, España
Nos complace anunciar que se realizará un evento con Prem Rawat en Barcelona, España, el Domingo, 4 de julio 2010. Hora de inicio será las 5:00 PM. Todas las persona interesadas en asistir son bienvenidas. Publicaremos más detalles en breve.
Nos complace anunciar que se realizará un evento con Prem Rawat en Barcelona, España, el Domingo, 4 de julio 2010. Hora de inicio será las 5:00 PM. Todas las persona interesadas en asistir son bienvenidas. Publicaremos más detalles en breve.
sábado, 19 de junio de 2010
The One In You
Find that god. Which God? Not the one that lives over there, or there. The one in you. Then you can feel the peace. The tranquility. The reality. The beauty. The simplicity of life. Not the complications. Not the complicated. Not the duties. But the richness. The abundance. The preciousness of what has been given to you. You’ve already been blessed with it.
It is not that you lack anything. You never have. From the time that you came on the face of this earth. This journey – what do you think this is about? Coping? Coping with your problems? There are people who say, “God tests you.” The implications of this in my opinion are very, very dangerous. If god tests you, that implies he doesn’t know. If the all knowing doesn’t know – how will you perform under these circumstances? That’s what a test is for. So god says, “Let me see here. I have no clue of what this guy would do. So let me test him.” That is, in my little logic, I don’t pretend to be an intellectual. I don’t pretend to have command of all the writings and the scriptures. I don’t. All I know is that in me, my father, my master gave me a wonderful gift. The gift of knowledge. Know-how. When did it make sense? When I understood that the knowledge of the self is more important than all the knowledge of this world. It is no different than the relationship of one and zero. If zero comes first, and then one, zero stays zero, one stays one. Add another zero, add another zero, add another zero, no change.
You can add a thousand zeros, no change. Add one first, and every zero takes on a meaning. Now, one doesn’t stay one. Add a zero and it becomes ten. Add another and it becomes one hundred. Then one thousand. And so on, and so on and so on.
Knowledge of the self – first. And then everything else. And that’s the context. Otherwise, all you have is you, and a whole bunch of zeros. And, you’re trying to figure out, “Why are there so many zeros?” What’s with these zeros – all the zeros in the front – they don’t mean anything. And you’re going to sit there, and wonder – why are there so many zeros? I am me, and what are these zeros? They are irrelevant to me.
What is zero? Zero is a representation of the infinite. And in itself, it means nothing. Nothing, but everything. There is no such thing. But there is.
You have to come first. It begins with you. Your understanding. Your life. Your existence. Your clarity. Your song. Your fingers on those keys that have been given to you. You playing a song – not a hired artist. You playing the song. That’s what it is about it is your emotion that has to come out. It is your song. And it is your enjoyment of that song that means everything.
~ Prem Rawat in Miami, June 13th 2010
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News - Event in Hapuna, Hawaii - May 18, 2010
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Copyright © Words of Peace Global Words of Peace Global | P.O. Box 2745, 1000 CS Amsterdam | The Netherlands |
viernes, 18 de junio de 2010
An Event Was Recently Confirmed In Barcelona, Spain
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Que significa ser rico? Ser rico no significa ser rico en dinero Tu puedes ser rico en muchas cosas. Asi que cual es la definicion de ser rico? 2 elementos envuelven el ser rico. Primero tienes que tener algo muy apreciado. No ordinario, sino precioso. En segundo lugar tu tienes que tener abundancia de esto. Tienes que tener algo precioso y mucho de esto. Contra mas tengas, mas rico eres. Lo precioso y la abundancia juegan cada uno para hacerte rico. Los 2 elementos tienen que estar.
Asi que la pregunta es: Eres rico? Que es lo mas increiblemente mas apreciado? Lo que tu tienes es precioso y lo tienes en abundancia. Hay algo. Esto no son dolares, no son diamantes. Esta es otra clase de riqueza. Una cosa que es preciosa, es este aliento que viene y sale de ti. No solo es precioso sino que tambien viene en abundancia. No viene solo una vez. Porque eso no te haria rico. LAs 2 pruebas que tiene que pasar es la preciosidad y la abundancia. Este aliento todo el mundo lo tiene. Esta vida es el regalo mas hermoso que se nos ha dado. La Vida. Que es la Vida? Muchas definiciones, pero si quieres observar la vida, miralo de esta manera: es un monton de capas y solo una es real. El resto es un monton de capas encima de esta capa real. A veces hay tantos niveles que pierdes de vista la que es real.
Lo que hago es pedir a la gente que levanten esas capas, uno por uno, y ver que ellos son solo capas. Cada capa es cambiante, cada capa representa un cambio.La unica cosa que no cambia es la capa basica y fundamental sobre la cual todo se desarrolla. L a vida se parece a estas capas.
Nosotros tenemos nuestras relaciones, nosotros tenemos nuestros amigos, nosotros tenemos nuestras ideas, nuestro trabajo, esto que sucede, aquello que sucede. Muy pronto estamos apretados en esas capas, por todo lo que sucede. Nosotros nos olvidamos de lo que es esa capa principal. Se trata de llenar esta sed. Es acerca de experimentar este cielo.
Uds. estando aqui, para mi, indica que uds son sinceros en recibir alegria en esta vida. Si eso es en lo que estas interesado, yo puedo hacer eso realidad. Paz en esta vida. Esto no es cuestion de hacer algo. Es mas bien una cuestion de deshacer. Eso que estas buscando ya esta dentro de ti.
Prem Rawat
Asi que la pregunta es: Eres rico? Que es lo mas increiblemente mas apreciado? Lo que tu tienes es precioso y lo tienes en abundancia. Hay algo. Esto no son dolares, no son diamantes. Esta es otra clase de riqueza. Una cosa que es preciosa, es este aliento que viene y sale de ti. No solo es precioso sino que tambien viene en abundancia. No viene solo una vez. Porque eso no te haria rico. LAs 2 pruebas que tiene que pasar es la preciosidad y la abundancia. Este aliento todo el mundo lo tiene. Esta vida es el regalo mas hermoso que se nos ha dado. La Vida. Que es la Vida? Muchas definiciones, pero si quieres observar la vida, miralo de esta manera: es un monton de capas y solo una es real. El resto es un monton de capas encima de esta capa real. A veces hay tantos niveles que pierdes de vista la que es real.
Lo que hago es pedir a la gente que levanten esas capas, uno por uno, y ver que ellos son solo capas. Cada capa es cambiante, cada capa representa un cambio.La unica cosa que no cambia es la capa basica y fundamental sobre la cual todo se desarrolla. L a vida se parece a estas capas.
Nosotros tenemos nuestras relaciones, nosotros tenemos nuestros amigos, nosotros tenemos nuestras ideas, nuestro trabajo, esto que sucede, aquello que sucede. Muy pronto estamos apretados en esas capas, por todo lo que sucede. Nosotros nos olvidamos de lo que es esa capa principal. Se trata de llenar esta sed. Es acerca de experimentar este cielo.
Uds. estando aqui, para mi, indica que uds son sinceros en recibir alegria en esta vida. Si eso es en lo que estas interesado, yo puedo hacer eso realidad. Paz en esta vida. Esto no es cuestion de hacer algo. Es mas bien una cuestion de deshacer. Eso que estas buscando ya esta dentro de ti.
Prem Rawat
jueves, 17 de junio de 2010
The One In You
Find that god. Which God? Not the one that lives over there, or there. The one in you. Then you can feel the peace. The tranquility. The reality. The beauty. The simplicity of life. Not the complications. Not the complicated. Not the duties. But the richness. The abundance. The preciousness of what has been given to you. You’ve already been blessed with it.
It is not that you lack anything. You never have. From the time that you came on the face of this earth. This journey – what do you think this is about? Coping? Coping with your problems? There are people who say, “God tests you.” The implications of this in my opinion are very, very dangerous. If god tests you, that implies he doesn’t know. If the all knowing doesn’t know – how will you perform under these circumstances? That’s what a test is for. So god says, “Let me see here. I have no clue of what this guy would do. So let me test him.” That is, in my little logic, I don’t pretend to be an intellectual. I don’t pretend to have command of all the writings and the scriptures. I don’t. All I know is that in me, my father, my master gave me a wonderful gift. The gift of knowledge. Know-how. When did it make sense? When I understood that the knowledge of the self is more important than all the knowledge of this world. It is no different than the relationship of one and zero. If zero comes first, and then one, zero stays zero, one stays one. Add another zero, add another zero, add another zero, no change.
You can add a thousand zeros, no change. Add one first, and every zero takes on a meaning. Now, one doesn’t stay one. Add a zero and it becomes ten. Add another and it becomes one hundred. Then one thousand. And so on, and so on and so on.
Knowledge of the self – first. And then everything else. And that’s the context. Otherwise, all you have is you, and a whole bunch of zeros. And, you’re trying to figure out, “Why are there so many zeros?” What’s with these zeros – all the zeros in the front – they don’t mean anything. And you’re going to sit there, and wonder – why are there so many zeros? I am me, and what are these zeros? They are irrelevant to me.
What is zero? Zero is a representation of the infinite. And in itself, it means nothing. Nothing, but everything. There is no such thing. But there is.
You have to come first. It begins with you. Your understanding. Your life. Your existence. Your clarity. Your song. Your fingers on those keys that have been given to you. You playing a song – not a hired artist. You playing the song. That’s what it is about it is your emotion that has to come out. It is your song. And it is your enjoyment of that song that means everything.
~ Prem Rawat in Miami, June 13th 2010
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miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010
Gift of Life
You don’t take your life seriously.
You don’t grasp it the way you should.
When you will fully realise that you have only a few days left, that is when you will start looking at your life, the right way.
That is not a good thing.
This is why I come to explain to you, not to do this.
We think, “To live is our right.”
To live is not our right. We have only one right. One.
That we in our lives, experience the supreme peace that is in our hearts.
"Being confused is easy. All you have to do is listen to everyone." Prem Rawat - Miami 13th
martes, 15 de junio de 2010
Precious Abundance
What does it mean to be rich? Rich isn’t just – rich in money. You can be rich in many things. So, what is the definition of being rich? Two elements are involved in being rich. One, you have to have something precious. Not ordinary, something precious. Secondly, you have to have an abundance of it. You have to have something precious, and lots of it. And the more you have of it, the richer you are. The preciousness and abundance play off of each other, to make you rich. The two elements have to be.
So, now the question becomes - are you rich? What is incredibly precious? And not only precious, but what do you have that is precious, and you have an abundance of it? There is something. And its not dollars and its not diamonds. It is another kind of wealth. And one thing that is incredibly precious is this breath that comes in and out of you. Not only is it precious, but it comes in abundance. Not just once. Because that wouldn’t make you rich.
The two tests that it has to pass – precious and abundant. This breath. Everyone has this. This life is the most beautiful gift that we have been given. Life. What is life? Many, many definitions? But if you want to look at life, look at it this way: it is a bunch of layers. Only one sheet is real. The rest of it is just a bunch of translucent overlays on top of that real sheet. And sometimes, the overlays become so many, that you lose sight of the real sheet. What I do is I ask people to lift those layers one by one, and see that they are only the layers. Every layer is changeable. And every layer represents a change. The only thing that does not change is the basic fundamental layer on which everything is developed.
Life too is very much like those layers. We’ve got our relationships, we’ve got our friends, and we’ve got our ideas, our job, this happening ,that happening. Pretty soon, we get caught in all those layers, and we forget what the main sheet is all about. It is about fulfilling your thirst. It is about experiencing that heaven.
You being here, to me, indicates that you are sincere about getting joy out of this life. If that’s what you are interested in, I can help you. I can make that a reality for you. Peace. In this life.
It is not a question of doing anything. It is a question of undoing. That which you are looking for is already inside of you.
~ Prem Rawat in Miami, June 13th 2010
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lunes, 14 de junio de 2010
domingo, 13 de junio de 2010
Peace is within you
The need for peace isn't just social. It is to find the root of who truly we are. If you understand that peace is within you and the thirst for peace is within you, you have taken the biggest step toward realizing peace in your life. Whatever may happen, whatever may come, The reality is that your want for peace will be there. The reason for peace will be there. The way to be able to fulfill that peace will also be there. |
sábado, 12 de junio de 2010
A Million Years
Do you know that a million years will only come as a moment? So if you can capture that moment and feel what it is like to be alive, then you have lived for a million years, for a billion years. Because you have captured the essence of life in a moment.
It's not a question of speculation. It's now. And now is a wonderful thing because now doesn't carry with it all the burden of yesterday, all the guilt of yesterday. And it doesn't carry with it the fears of tomorrow. And it doesn't carry with it any successes and any failures. And it's perfect. And that's what has been given to you.
You must appreciate this. A lot of people don't appreciate this life. They're trying to get to some kind of a plateau, top of a hill, top of a mountain. And they forget that all that is really being asked of them is to try. That's all. Because that is something you can do. If it was outside the realm of what we can afford to do, of what is possible, then it's not worth it.
People talk about liberation because it's some kind of a threshold they set themselves up for. And I say to them, "Only thing you can do is try." That's all you can do. That's all the power you have. So who here cannot try? There's no one here who cannot make a little effort. And because you can, because that's within your possibility, you have every chance to succeed in capturing that moment called "now." That's how simple it is.
~ Prem Rawat
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Just ask the donkey in me
To speak to the donkey in you.
When I have so many other beautiful animals
And brilliant coloured birds inside
That are all longing to say something wonderful
And exciting to your heart?
Let’s open all the locked doors upon our eyes
That keep us from knowing the Intelligence
That begets love
And a more lively and satisfying conversation
With the Friend.
Let’s turn loose our golden falcons
So that they can meet in the sky
Where our spirits belong -
Necking like two
Hot kids.
Let’s hold hands and get drunk near the sun
And sing sweet songs to God
He joins us with a few notes
From his own sublime lute and drum.
If you have a better idea
Of how to pass a lonely night
After your glands may have performed
All their little magic
Then speak up sweethearts, speak up,
For Hafiz and all the world will listen.
Why just bring your donkey to me
Asking for stale hay
And a boring conference with the idiot
In regards to this precious matter -
Such a precious matter as love,
When I have so many other divine animals
And brilliant coloured birds inside
That are all longing
To so sweetly
Música: Mozart: Divertimento #15 In B Flat, K 287 - Adagio Herbert Von Karajan: Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra
viernes, 11 de junio de 2010
cibidos Archivar Marcar como spam Eliminar Mover a Etiquetas Más acciones ‹ Anterior 2 de 18 Posterior › Momentos destacados - Gira India (2009) LiveStream disponible en ingles y espanol
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Copyright © Words of Peace Global Words of Peace Global | P.O. Box 2745, 1000 CS Amsterdam | The Netherlands |
Highlights - Tour of India (2009) LiveStream Now Available in English and Spanish
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Copyright © Words of Peace Global Words of Peace Global | P.O. Box 2745, 1000 CS Amsterdam | The Netherlands |
"“If what I have to say to you could simplify your life even a little a bit, that would make me very happy. Your life, your existence, the gift you have been given—it’s all so simple, the breath that comes into you and then leaves and then comes again.”
"“You weigh your life with weights that don't weigh anything. How will you know how much you have? Weigh it by facts, by reality, and you will see that peace is not an impossible dream.”
"“You weigh your life with weights that don't weigh anything. How will you know how much you have? Weigh it by facts, by reality, and you will see that peace is not an impossible dream.”
miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010
Event in Miami, Florida
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Copyright © Words of Peace Global Words of Peace Global | P.O. Box 2745, 1000 CS Amsterdam | The Netherlands |
martes, 8 de junio de 2010
Event in Miami being considered for Sunday
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Copyright © Words of Peace Global Words of Peace Global | P.O. Box 2745, 1000 CS Amsterdam | The Netherlands |
domingo, 6 de junio de 2010
I think Maharaji is not wearing a Rakhi - A thread symbolizing Sister's love and protection to Brother. This day comes in August/September.
This THREAD is called, "Nadaa Chhadi", Maharaji must have taken part in Pooja (worship) Ceremony before playing Holi. He has been doing this for the past few years.... See More
In India, at the beginning of any Worship or Pooja or any auspicious ceremonies like the Weddings, Hawan etc. this Orange/Red/Yellow piece of thread is bound by the Priest as a symbol of "Good Luck" and Protection from "Evil" elements. It is part of any Hindu Ritual.
Rajesh Patel
This THREAD is called, "Nadaa Chhadi", Maharaji must have taken part in Pooja (worship) Ceremony before playing Holi. He has been doing this for the past few years.... See More
In India, at the beginning of any Worship or Pooja or any auspicious ceremonies like the Weddings, Hawan etc. this Orange/Red/Yellow piece of thread is bound by the Priest as a symbol of "Good Luck" and Protection from "Evil" elements. It is part of any Hindu Ritual.
Rajesh Patel
viernes, 4 de junio de 2010
jueves, 3 de junio de 2010
What is the point?
The point is to understand the value of now. Just That. The value of your existence. The value of this breath, coming in to you. That's the point. And if you can understand that, in my book, you understand everything. A person who has understood in their lives and knows how to tap into that beauty of this breath, of this moment, of this life, is the master of all scriptures. -Prem Rawat |
miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010
martes, 1 de junio de 2010
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