miércoles, 31 de marzo de 2010
reunión por la paz
Dear Friends,
TPRF has made a grant of $33,000 to provide food for 1,000 people for a month in Rio Claro, Chile. The recent 8.8 earthquake and ensuing aftershocks have left 80% of the town’s population homeless.
We would like to do more. Just $33 provides food for a month for one adult. If you would like to help, please join our Chile Earthquake Relief campaign on Facebook or make a contribution on tprf.org.
The most densely populated areas began receiving aid from the Chilean government and large international charities almost immediately, but people in smaller communities were mostly on their own. Rio Claro, an agricultural town in the foothills of the Andes, is just such a place. The townspeople are now facing the onset of winter with only makeshift tents for shelter and minimal stocks of food to carry them through the cold season. The greatest need is for food over the next six months so that people’s focus and resources can go into rebuilding their homes.
TPRF is partnering with Fundacion Origen, a reputable local charity that shares TPRF’s approach to providing aid with respect for people’s dignity. After their first delivery of food to the town, Origen’s president, Mary Anne Müller, reported, “When we arrived with six full trucks, people cried, including the Mayor. We worked in collaboration with the local authorities to reach the people in greatest need and were able to meet amazing human beings who, in spite of the tragedy, gave us much more than we gave them. Their dignity and strength amidst adversity moved us deeply.”
All contributions will help.
Kind regards,
Linda Pascotto
We would like to do more. Just $33 provides food for a month for one adult. If you would like to help, please join our Chile Earthquake Relief campaign on Facebook or make a contribution on tprf.org.
The most densely populated areas began receiving aid from the Chilean government and large international charities almost immediately, but people in smaller communities were mostly on their own. Rio Claro, an agricultural town in the foothills of the Andes, is just such a place. The townspeople are now facing the onset of winter with only makeshift tents for shelter and minimal stocks of food to carry them through the cold season. The greatest need is for food over the next six months so that people’s focus and resources can go into rebuilding their homes.
TPRF is partnering with Fundacion Origen, a reputable local charity that shares TPRF’s approach to providing aid with respect for people’s dignity. After their first delivery of food to the town, Origen’s president, Mary Anne Müller, reported, “When we arrived with six full trucks, people cried, including the Mayor. We worked in collaboration with the local authorities to reach the people in greatest need and were able to meet amazing human beings who, in spite of the tragedy, gave us much more than we gave them. Their dignity and strength amidst adversity moved us deeply.”
All contributions will help.
Kind regards,
Linda Pascotto
martes, 30 de marzo de 2010
Amaroo Downunder January - March 2010
lunes, 29 de marzo de 2010
Voy a muchos sitios distintos y hablo sobre la paz. Sé que hay gente que dice: “Paz…, ¿cómo es posible que haya paz?”. Yo hablo de algo real, viable, que puede experimentarse en un futuro inmediato. Se llama “paz”. La guerra no es una opción viable, y no es previsible, porque si la gente sigue luchando quedará sólo una persona. Y ésa quedará porque se escondía.
Así pues, ¿qué es esa paz de la que hablo? La paz de la que hablo es la paz que reside en ti, en tu corazón. La realidad de tu existencia no es la que tú crees.
Esto no trata de mí o de mis ideas. Quiero ser la voz de aquellos miles de millones de personas que, en silencio, y a su manera, rezan y mantienen la esperanza de que algún día haya paz en la Tierra. Esas personas no tienen una voz enérgica; son muy calladas.
sábado, 27 de marzo de 2010
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Copyright © Words of Peace Global Words of Peace Global | P.O. Box 2745, 1000 CS Amsterdam | The Netherlands |
viernes, 26 de marzo de 2010
jueves, 25 de marzo de 2010
International Museum of Women
Dear Blanca Oraa, Don't miss this chance to honor the women who have made a difference in your life with the International Museum of Women's Women on the Map!Our Women on the Map! campaign, which launched on International Women's Day and runs through March, is an easy, free way to celebrate women who are changing the world for the better on a daily basis. The map has been updated to load quickly in any Web browser, and now includes a search function so that each of the tributes to women around the world can be easily located. Add any woman to the map—your mother, sister, colleague, friend, or mentor—and her name and a message from you will appear alongside the names of hundreds of women across the globe. Our map will connect women across continents, creating a powerful visual representation of the vast, change-making impact women have on our world. Click here to get started Sincerely, |
Words of Peace Global
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Copyright © Words of Peace Global Words of Peace Global | P.O. Box 2745, 1000 CS Amsterdam | The Netherlands |
Síntesis del evento con Maharaji en Santa Monica,
06 Marzo, 2010
"Estamos muy interesados en las historias de los demás, ¿estas tú interesado en lo que está sucediendo en tu pequeño mundo?
Hay personas que estan tan fascinadas con lo que va a suceder despues de morir, que no tienen ni la menor idea de lo que de verdad esta sucediendo en sus vidas.
La realidad es que estás vivo. Esa es una hermosa realidad.
Acuérdate, hace apenas muy poco que nos sentiamos en la cima del mundo - Todo mundo era rico. Y después...
De repente tu ya no eres rico... TODO desapareció. Esa es una gran ilusión. Es increiblemente real.
ILUSION: Parece real, pero es falsa. Esa es la trampa. Decimos "La realidad es horrible!" Tú existes, esa es una Realidad hermosa
¿Sabes lo que significa Apreciación? Sin importar la edad, es algo que nunca cambia.
APRECIACIÓN: Aún cuando tengas 90 años, y uses lentes que parezcan binoculares, la apreciacion siempre estara ahí.
El poder de la Apreciación nunca cambiará ¿Existe algo que valga la pena ser apreciado? La respuesta es: Sí. ¡Qué es?
El momento en que entiendes la simplicidad de la existencia, vale la pena ser apreciado.
Tu deseo de sentir Plenitud, Vale la pena ser apreciado. Tan básico , tan fundamental.
Un bebé tiene una vida frente a él. No tiene ni idea de todo lo que sucederá en su vida.
En ultima instancia, la decisión de permanecer contento en cada momento reside en el bebé, asi como reside en ti tambien. Es una decisión que puedes tomar.
!Decide ser feliz!, una gran decisión. ¿Lo harás?? ¿Vas a decidir ser feliz?
Encuentra lo que se te ha dado y créeme, dejarás de medir tu vida por lo que no tienes.
¿Qué es lo que hace que esta Tierra sea increiblemente hermosa, que despues de 200,000 veces de ver una puesta de sol aun te sigue dejando sin aliento?
Hay un regalo. Si no sabes que es este regalo. entonces estarás siempre buscando en otra parte.
Encuentra lo que ya tienes. !Por favor! Es EL regalo de regalos. La belleza de las bellezas. Eso es lo que tu ya tienes.
Cada dia que estas vivo, no pares de vivir.
Mantente vivo cada día, aún si estas en tus ultimos momentos.
En mis momentos malos, yo quiero recordar los buenos. Y en los buenos momentos, yo quiero recordar solo los mejores.
Tu estás aqui. Eso es lo que está sucediendo. Esa hermosa música que estas escuchando, no es solo un ensayo de la orquesta.
Cuando amanece, te despiertas, te mueves, y estás vivo.
Quieres saber acerca del Karma? Pinchate un dedo, ¿Sientes dolor? Karma...! Si la persona que esta a tu lado grita de dolor, es que pinchaste el brazo equivocado
¿Quieres saber la verdad? La verdad reside dentro de tí. ¿Donde más podria estar ?
Todo lo que realmente necesitas para disfrutar esta ahi dentro de tí. Haz la conexión.
Estás vivo. Tienes dentro de tí un oceano de dicha. Tienes dentro de tí la felicidad mas grande. Haz la conexión.
Cuando no sabes, hasta las respuestas se vuelven preguntas. Y cuando sabes, aún las preguntas se vuelven respuestas, eso esta muy bien. Es maravilloso.
Cuando no sabes, buscas. Cuando tu sabes agradeces. Haz la conección.
No importa la edad que tengas o que tan joven seas. todavia no esta todo aqui, todavia está llegando. La vida esta llegando.
Está lloviendo oro. Esa es la buena nueva: Y continuará llegando. Mejor que empecemos a reunir todo ese oro.
Sé rico. Siéntete rico. Hay personas muy pobres que de verdad se sienten ricos. No se confundan con las circunstancias
Para estar pleno en el corazón y sentir ese lugar de donde viene la gratitud. Siente esa simplicidad.
Imagina a un chico caminando por ahí... ofreciendo sandwiches: "Tienes hambre"
"No, gracias. Tienes un libro?"
Yo tengo hambre ahora. No quiero leer de comida. Esta hambre puede ser saciada, ésa es la buena noticia
Tengo boletos para el mejor espectáculo, Si quieres asistir a ese espectaculo yo tengo los boletos
Es aqui . El Cielo en la Tierra. Qué espectáculo...! Increible, para tí- para mí.
No intentes hacer que cada dia sea igual, pero observa la misma belleza en cada amanecer.
No es imposible ser feliz en esta vida. Es posible. Y no tomes un NO como respuesta
Lo que decidas hacer hazlo sintiendo Paz. Experimenta la dignidad en tu vida. Experimenta Paz en tu vida".
~ Prem Rawat - Santa Monica 6 de Marzo, 2010
Enjoying life
A message to all members of Enjoying life
Wopg have made Boulder, Colorado 2009 event ( 49 minutes ) available for download, it is a large file so the quality of the video is perfect for burning to dvd "Feedback on wopg forum would be appreciated" Andy |
miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010
Segunda Jornada para la Paz
Ayer tuvo lugar en Bilbao la segunda Jornada para la Paz.
Resultó maravilloso.
La ponencia de María Seco, con cierto tono intelectual haciendo paradajas entre lo que se supone lo que es la paz y experimentarla, cosas muy diferentes, provocó entusiastas aplausos.
Y ya el clima llegó a la plenitud con la proyección de extractos de la conferencia que Prem Rawat había dado en Calpe.
Dirección de las Jornadas: Blanca Oraa
Resultó maravilloso.
La ponencia de María Seco, con cierto tono intelectual haciendo paradajas entre lo que se supone lo que es la paz y experimentarla, cosas muy diferentes, provocó entusiastas aplausos.
Y ya el clima llegó a la plenitud con la proyección de extractos de la conferencia que Prem Rawat había dado en Calpe.
Dirección de las Jornadas: Blanca Oraa
blanca oraa,
jornadas paz,
maria seco,
martes, 23 de marzo de 2010
Hoy es el gran día.
Luchar por la paz.
Luchar para que se cree un ministerio de la paz.
Contrarrestar las guerras.
¿quién, en su sano juicio no desea paz?
Que levante la mano.
Luchar por la paz.
Luchar para que se cree un ministerio de la paz.
Contrarrestar las guerras.
¿quién, en su sano juicio no desea paz?
Que levante la mano.
lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010
Garantizo a los que acudan que saldrán con el corazón contento y lleno de gratitud y satisfacción.
Para mas información pincha AQUÍ.
domingo, 21 de marzo de 2010
Barcelona, Spain
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Webcast - Sacramento, California (Hindi Event)
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viernes, 19 de marzo de 2010
Bulletin from the cause: TPRF: Food for People
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Posted By: The Prem Rawat Foundation | |||
To: Donors in 2 Causes | |||
Thanks and Chile Update from TPRFDear Friend of TPRF: Thank you very much for your donation to TPRF's campaign to help Chile. You will be happy to hear that TPRF hopes to make its first grant to help people in Chile next week. We have an application for $33,000 to provide food through the winter for families in Rio Claro, a town near the epicenter. Just $33 will provide food for a month for one person. Rio Claro is a rural agricultural town where 80% of the population is now homeless. Since income for the year is based on the sale of crops, many of which were destroyed, the outlook for winter is particularly bleak. We hope to help provide the security of food through the winter so people can concentrate their efforts on rebuilding their homes, even as significant aftershocks continue. With your help, TPRF is working to make a difference. Thanks again for your support. TPRF | |||
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Call to Action
jueves, 18 de marzo de 2010
Dear Friends of TPRF,
It’s not too late to help with the TPRF grant that will be sent very soon to aid people in Chile. Just $33 will provide food for a month for one person.
We hope to make a grant next week to a local foundation that has been delivering food and water to survivors in rural areas where other aid has not yet arrived.
All donations will add up to make a more meaningful contribution to these people whose lives are in such turmoil.
TPRF would like to make its first grant to provide food aid to people most in need in the community of Rio Claro, a rural agricultural town near the earthquake epicenter, where 80% of the population is now homeless. Since income for the year is based on the sale of crops, many of which were destroyed, the outlook for winter is particularly bleak. We hope to help provide the security of food through the winter so people can concentrate their efforts on rebuilding their homes, even as significant aftershocks continue.
With your help, TPRF is working to make a difference.
Kind regards,
We hope to make a grant next week to a local foundation that has been delivering food and water to survivors in rural areas where other aid has not yet arrived.
All donations will add up to make a more meaningful contribution to these people whose lives are in such turmoil.
TPRF would like to make its first grant to provide food aid to people most in need in the community of Rio Claro, a rural agricultural town near the earthquake epicenter, where 80% of the population is now homeless. Since income for the year is based on the sale of crops, many of which were destroyed, the outlook for winter is particularly bleak. We hope to help provide the security of food through the winter so people can concentrate their efforts on rebuilding their homes, even as significant aftershocks continue.
With your help, TPRF is working to make a difference.
Kind regards,
martes, 16 de marzo de 2010
Words of Peace Global
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Copyright © Words of Peace Global Words of Peace Global | P.O. Box 2745, 1000 CS Amsterdam | The Netherlands |
Subject: Extractos - Prem Rawat Miami, 2010 (ESPAÑOL)
Extractos - Prem Rawat
habla en Miami, sábado 13 de marzo de 2010
tweeted a través de @ innerlinktv
Abraza la vida. La vida. ¿Lo sabías ? Este día, nunca volverá. Hoy. Hazlo bien, y recibirás el mañana para
intentarlo de nuevo.
Estamos aquí para hablar de lo afortunados que somos.
Batallas - habrá muchas en esta vida. Ganas algunas, pierdes otras.
Hasta ahora no has perdido la guerra. Una vez que pierdas la guerra, !eso es todo!
¿Qué guerra es esta ? Debido a nuestra arrogancia, fallamos al ver la realidad.
¿Qué es la realidad?
En cada uno de nosotros se encuentra la fuente de satisfacción. En nosotros. En cada uno de nosotros se
encuentra la fuente de la alegría. De la plenitud.
Esa es la realidad. Esa es la verdadera realidad.
El cielo. ¿Dónde está ese cielo?
Deja los anteojos de la arrogancia y verás que el cielo no está lejos de ti.
El cielo. En ti. ¿Sabes que en tí, la cosa más hermosa está teniendo lugar?
Estás bendito@ en cada una de las formas posibles. Entérate de esto.
Siente esto todos los días. Saborea los regalos.
Tener una casa junto a la fuente del agua más pura , y ¿muriéndote de sed ?- eso realmente es una tragedia.
Saborea el regalo que ya tienes. Consíguelo. Permanece vivo.! Vivo!. Hay algo dentro de cada uno de nosotros que dice,
Ríe. Sonrie. Tanto como puedas.
La necesidad de estar contento no va a cambiar. Independientemente de tu edad.
¿Tienes una necesidad? Absolutamente.
Cada día, vas persiguiendo a la satisfacción.
¿Cómo lo sé? La industria de la publicidad. Ves un anuncio, "lo necesito."
¿Buscas algo? Por supuesto que estás buscando algo.
La pregunta es, ¿sabes lo qué es? Tú. Yo. Hemos crecido.
Pero esa necesidad de hacer una conexión aún está allí. Una verdadera comprensión de lo que significa
estar vivo.
Se trata de este momento. ¿Qué te trajo el hoy ? ¿Qué te puede aportar el mañana?
El hoy conlleva una promesa de la realización de toda una vida.
La ignorancia es la oscuridad. El conocimiento es la luz.
En algún lugar, sé que lo tengo todo. Sólo que no sé dónde vivo.
Recuerda donde está tu casa. No puedo prometerte riquezas, o una casa bonita.
Pero te puedo decir dónde vives.
Hay una guerra que tiene que ser ganada. ¿Estás deseando que asi sea?
Estar en conciencia. Estar en paz. Eso es ganar la guerra. Elije. Haz esa elección.
Aquellos de ustedes que quieren la paz interior, tienen que hacer esa elección.
¿Qué elegir? ¿Quieres paz en tu vida? Tienes que hacer esa elección. No hay
necesidad de trepar el Himalaya.
¿Estoy vivo? Sí, lo estás.
Un día, no será así . Descubre que hay una cosa que está por encima de la fortuna. Que existe. Y está
dentro de ti.
Decimos que somos expertos en milagros. El aliento entra y sale de nosotros, y no prestamos atención.
Saber. Entender - sin dudas - el valor de este aliento.
Hemos dominado el arte de provocar lo que está mal en las personas. No hemos dominado el arte de provocar
lo que hay de bueno en la gente.
La dignidad parte desde cuando empiezas a darte cuenta de lo que eres. Cada ser
humanoo tiene algo que ofrecer. Más que una etiqueta. Entender.
Dignidad. Paz. Prosperidad. Sin esa dignidad es difícil estar en paz. Sin paz, es difícil prosperar.
Una vida. Juega bien tus cartas. Una vida. Sólo porque piensas que tienes muchas más,
¿tiene algún sentido tirarla? En ninguna parte dice, dos más.
Tienes esta única vida. Úsala. Apréciala. Siéntete pleno.
Hay algo muy hermoso teniendo lugar. Piensa en ello. Haz una elección. Guau!. Tienes la oportunidad de
elegir. Maharaji en Miami.png
habla en Miami, sábado 13 de marzo de 2010
tweeted a través de @ innerlinktv
Abraza la vida. La vida. ¿Lo sabías ? Este día, nunca volverá. Hoy. Hazlo bien, y recibirás el mañana para
intentarlo de nuevo.
Estamos aquí para hablar de lo afortunados que somos.
Batallas - habrá muchas en esta vida. Ganas algunas, pierdes otras.
Hasta ahora no has perdido la guerra. Una vez que pierdas la guerra, !eso es todo!
¿Qué guerra es esta ? Debido a nuestra arrogancia, fallamos al ver la realidad.
¿Qué es la realidad?
En cada uno de nosotros se encuentra la fuente de satisfacción. En nosotros. En cada uno de nosotros se
encuentra la fuente de la alegría. De la plenitud.
Esa es la realidad. Esa es la verdadera realidad.
El cielo. ¿Dónde está ese cielo?
Deja los anteojos de la arrogancia y verás que el cielo no está lejos de ti.
El cielo. En ti. ¿Sabes que en tí, la cosa más hermosa está teniendo lugar?
Estás bendito@ en cada una de las formas posibles. Entérate de esto.
Siente esto todos los días. Saborea los regalos.
Tener una casa junto a la fuente del agua más pura , y ¿muriéndote de sed ?- eso realmente es una tragedia.
Saborea el regalo que ya tienes. Consíguelo. Permanece vivo.! Vivo!. Hay algo dentro de cada uno de nosotros que dice,
Ríe. Sonrie. Tanto como puedas.
La necesidad de estar contento no va a cambiar. Independientemente de tu edad.
¿Tienes una necesidad? Absolutamente.
Cada día, vas persiguiendo a la satisfacción.
¿Cómo lo sé? La industria de la publicidad. Ves un anuncio, "lo necesito."
¿Buscas algo? Por supuesto que estás buscando algo.
La pregunta es, ¿sabes lo qué es? Tú. Yo. Hemos crecido.
Pero esa necesidad de hacer una conexión aún está allí. Una verdadera comprensión de lo que significa
estar vivo.
Se trata de este momento. ¿Qué te trajo el hoy ? ¿Qué te puede aportar el mañana?
El hoy conlleva una promesa de la realización de toda una vida.
La ignorancia es la oscuridad. El conocimiento es la luz.
En algún lugar, sé que lo tengo todo. Sólo que no sé dónde vivo.
Recuerda donde está tu casa. No puedo prometerte riquezas, o una casa bonita.
Pero te puedo decir dónde vives.
Hay una guerra que tiene que ser ganada. ¿Estás deseando que asi sea?
Estar en conciencia. Estar en paz. Eso es ganar la guerra. Elije. Haz esa elección.
Aquellos de ustedes que quieren la paz interior, tienen que hacer esa elección.
¿Qué elegir? ¿Quieres paz en tu vida? Tienes que hacer esa elección. No hay
necesidad de trepar el Himalaya.
¿Estoy vivo? Sí, lo estás.
Un día, no será así . Descubre que hay una cosa que está por encima de la fortuna. Que existe. Y está
dentro de ti.
Decimos que somos expertos en milagros. El aliento entra y sale de nosotros, y no prestamos atención.
Saber. Entender - sin dudas - el valor de este aliento.
Hemos dominado el arte de provocar lo que está mal en las personas. No hemos dominado el arte de provocar
lo que hay de bueno en la gente.
La dignidad parte desde cuando empiezas a darte cuenta de lo que eres. Cada ser
humanoo tiene algo que ofrecer. Más que una etiqueta. Entender.
Dignidad. Paz. Prosperidad. Sin esa dignidad es difícil estar en paz. Sin paz, es difícil prosperar.
Una vida. Juega bien tus cartas. Una vida. Sólo porque piensas que tienes muchas más,
¿tiene algún sentido tirarla? En ninguna parte dice, dos más.
Tienes esta única vida. Úsala. Apréciala. Siéntete pleno.
Hay algo muy hermoso teniendo lugar. Piensa en ello. Haz una elección. Guau!. Tienes la oportunidad de
elegir. Maharaji en Miami.png
Prem Rawat speaking at an event in Sacramento, California
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Copyright © Words of Peace Global Words of Peace Global | P.O. Box 2745, 1000 CS Amsterdam | The Netherlands |
lunes, 15 de marzo de 2010
As a drop of water is to the thirsty, as hope is to the desperate, as the sun is to the sunflower, as the nectar is to the bee, as food is to the hungry, let each breath be that for you and me
Prem Rawat
Prem Rawat
domingo, 14 de marzo de 2010
Excerpts – Prem Rawat speaking in Miami, Saturday 13 March 2010
as tweeted via @innerlinktv
Embrace life. Life. Did you know? Today, it will never come back. Today. Get it right, and you will get tomorrow to try again.
We are here to talk about how fortunate we are.
Battles - there will be many in this life. Win some lose some. So far you haven't lost the war. Once you lose the war, that's it.
What is this war? Because of our arrogance we fail to see the reality. What is reality? In each one of us lies the source of fulfillment.
In us. In each one of us lies the source of joy. Of fulfillment. That's reality. That's the true reality.
Heaven. Where is that heaven? Drop the glasses of arrogance and you will see that heaven is not away from you. Heaven. In you.
Do you know that in you that most beautiful thing is taking place? You are blessed in every way possible. Know that. Feel that everyday.
Savor the gifts. Having a house next to the purest water, and dying of thirst - that truly is a tragedy. Savor the gift you already have.
Get with it. Be alive. Live. There is something inside each one of us that says, arise.
Laugh. Smile. As much as you can.
The need to be content is not going to change. Regardless of your age.
Do you have a need? Absolutely. Every day, you go satisfaction hunting. How do I know? The advertising industry. You see an ad, "I need that."
Looking for something? Of course you are looking for something. Question is, do you know what it is?
You. Me. We've grown up. But that need to make a connection is still there. A true understanding of what it means to be alive.
It's about right now. What did today bring you? What can tomorrow bring you? Today holds a promise of the fulfillment of a lifetime.
Ignorance is the darkness. Knowledge is the light.
Somewhere, I know I have everything. I just don't know where I live. Remember where your home is.
I cannot promise you riches, or a nice house. But I can tell you where you live.
A war has to be won. Are you wanting to win that war? To be conscious. To be in peace. That is winning the war.
Choose. Make that choice. Those of you who want that peace inside, you have to make that choice. What do you choose?
You want peace in your life? You have to make that choice. No need to climb the Himalayas.
Am I living? Yes, you are. One day, you won't be. Find out about that one thing that is above the fortunes. It exists. And it is inside you.
We say we are miracle experts. The breath comes in and out of us, and we pay no attention. Miracle.
To know. To understand - with no doubt - the value of this breath.
We have mastered the art of provoking what is bad in people. We have not mastered the art of provoking what is good in people.
Dignity begins when you realize what you are about. Every human being has something to offer. More than a label. Understand.
Dignity. Peace. Prosperity. Without that dignity it is hard to be in peace. Without peace, it is hard to prosper.
One life. Play it smart. Just because you think you have many more, does it make any sense to throw it away? Nowhere does it say, two more.
You've got this one life. Use it. Cherish it. Be fulfilled.
There is something very beautiful taking place. Think about it. Make a choice. Wow. You get to choose.
Read more: http://www.innerlink.tv/#ixzz0i8ReTSgN
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives
viernes, 12 de marzo de 2010
jueves, 11 de marzo de 2010
miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010
This gentleman’s words are very enjoyable. I like it a lot
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Copyright © Words of Peace Global Words of Peace Global | P.O. Box 2745, 1000 CS Amsterdam | The Netherlands |
Miami, Florida
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Copyright © Words of Peace Global |
martes, 9 de marzo de 2010
Chile Earthquake Relief
Questions & Answers with Prem Rawat, in Sicily
- On a recent visit to Mazara del Vallo, Sicily, Prem Rawat was awarded honorary citizenship. Following that ceremony, several high school students came to the microphone one-by-one to ask him questions. These are excerpts from that exchange. Q: “Life is a journey, and the journey of life is so beautiful that it does not require a destination.” I read this quote of yours, and I wanted to ask: without a precise destination, don’t we run the risk of drifting away? A: Every journey has to have a purpose. Now, in some journeys, the purpose is to reach a particular place or destination. But in the journey of life, the purpose is to enjoy. And that in itself is the destination of the journey—to enjoy being alive. Yes, I agree with you that we cannot drift away from the enjoyment of this life. That is the purpose of this journey. Q: How and when did you begin to have the desire to become an Ambassador of Peace? A: The title was given to me in Brazil, for which I am very grateful. But ever since I was very young, I wanted to bring happiness in people’s lives. Not a joy of two minutes, but a true happiness. That people can find a beautiful fulfillment in their lives—this is all I want. This is what I was trying to do before I was given the title and what I have been doing since. I want to take this message of hope and possibility of peace to as many people as I can. And I hope that I can continue to do so till the very last breath. I have dedicated my life to this. Whether I have these titles or not, what really matters is opening one heart and another and another to the possibility of peace in their lives. Q: Intolerance has manifested itself in societies throughout the ages, and this often degenerates into fanaticism. Can fanaticism, which feeds on irrational passion, be fought by reason? A: Let me tell you a little story. A long time ago in India, there was a great emperor called Akbar. He had a friend, a courtier named Birbal. One day, Akbar challenged his friend. He drew a line and said, “Make this line smaller without touching it.” Birbal grabbed the pen and drew a bigger line, and the emperor’s line automatically became smaller. Yes, there is fanaticism; yes there is cruelty. If we want to make them insignificant, the only way is to make the voice for peace much, much greater. Today, people are not reasonable; they see violence as a viable alternative. The problem is that it’s on both sides. And when it is violence answering violence, it will only become more violent. Our only hope, I feel, is to have the voice of peace greater than the voice of violence. Q: Seneca, in his treatise On Tranquility of Mind, speaks of peace as a state that can be attained by detachment from worldly worries. Is this achievable in our day and age? A: There are so many formulas. Some people say that if we get rid of all our worries, we will have peace. I can only speak from my own experience. If I feel hunger, and somebody says to me, “Stop thinking about food,” will my hunger go away? I don’t think so. If you have peace in your life, you will have happiness. If you merely have happiness, you may or may not have peace. Happiness is a result of having peace, contentment inside of you. As long as you are alive, you will be worried about something. The peace I talk about can be experienced in the middle of a war, in the middle of a prison. If I can find the peace inside of me, worries will come and go, but I will have peace in my life. Q: “When you begin to look for peace, peace will begin to look for you.” This is one of your quotes. Do men truly desire peace? A: We look at ourselves by our nametags, by the hats and uniforms that we wear, but we are all human beings, and human beings desire peace. Is peace a luxury or a necessity? This is a fundamentally important question. We know that breathing is not a luxury; water is not a luxury. They are necessities. I say that peace is a necessity, not a luxury. That’s what people want. But when the elements of greed, fear, anger and confusion come in between people and their own desires, everything becomes very convoluted. We look toward institutions to solve the problem. We need to solve the problem. Right now, there are not too many places in the world where people have the spirit to unify, to come together. When there are, there will not only be peace on earth, but in the heart and the mind of every human being. Q: Is there a question you have never been asked and you would have liked to answer? A: People have been asking me questions since I was seven years old, but nobody has ever asked me, “How does it feel to bring peace to a person?” And the answer is: When a person experiences peace in their life and I had some role to play in it, in that moment, the purpose of my life is fulfilled—that is how good it feels. This is what I want to do. So many people have expressed their gratitude to me for bringing peace in their lives. Their gratitude not only humbles me, it brings me an immense amount of joy. http://wopg.org/en/webcasts/latest-webcasts http://inspire.contactinfo.net/index.htm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prem Rawat teaches a way for finding peace within. Eur Communications plays a key role in disseminating Prem Rawat’s message. ~ http://eurcommunications.org/
lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010
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Copyright © Words of Peace Global Words of Peace Global | P.O. Box 2745, 1000 CS Amsterdam | The Netherlands |
domingo, 7 de marzo de 2010
Prem Rawat in Santa Monica, March 2010
Asistentes alrededor de 2000 personas entre ellos Premies, aspirantes y personas invitadas por primera vez! Recuerdo que El Maestro pregunto, que si queríamos ser una rosa en el bello jardín del Creador o una hojarasca seca. También dijo que tenemos que aprovechar a recolectar ahora y cada momento las bendiciones porque lo que esta cayendo ahora mismo es una lluvia de oro. Quisiera recordar todo lo que dijo pero sus palabras se han quedado incrustradas en mi alma y no las puedo repetir y algo bello es que nos roba, nos cautiva con cada expresión, con cada gesto. Habló de su nieto Jeevan dijo que su nombre significa Vida y que ha pasado mucho tiempo junto a el y que lo observa mientras duerme. Nos cayó un Downpour de Gracia y de agua porque llovió todo el Santo día! Reciban de este mi corazón agradecido una pizca contagiosa de amor!
Snippets of the event with Maharaji in Santa Monica, March 2010
(courtesy of Tweets from Innerlink) Robyn Botellho
We are all so interested in everyone else's story. Are you interested in what's going on in your little world?
There are people that are so fascinated about what's going to happen after they die, but they have no clue what's going on in their life.
The reality is that you are alive. That's a good reality.
Remember, it wasn't that long ago that we were on top of the world - everybody was rich. And then...
All of a sudden, you are not rich anymore. It disappears. This is the grand illusion. Looks incredibly real.
Illusion: it looks real. But is fake. That's the trap. We say reality is horrible. You exist. This is a beautiful reality.
Do you know what appreciation is? Regardless of age, this is one of the things that wil not change.
Appreciation. Even when you are 90yrs old, glasses look like binoculars. Appreciation. Yes.
The power of appreciation is not going to change. Hone in on it.
Is there something that is truly worth appreciating? And the answer is yes. What is it?
The moment you understand the simplicity of existence, this is worth appreciating.
Your desire to be fulfilled. This is worth appreciating. So basic. So fundamental.
A baby has a life in front of them. They have no idea of all the things that are going to happen in their life.
Ultimately, the decision to remain content at any given moment lies with that baby. Just as it lies with you. This is a decision you can make.
Deciding to be content: big decision. Will you? Are you going to?
Find out what you have and believe me, you will stop measuring you life by what you don't have.
Why make this earth so incredibly beautiful - after having seen it 200,000 times, it still takes your breath away?
There is a gift. If you don't know what that gift is, then you are always going to be looking somewhere else.
Find out what you have. Please. It is the gift of all gifts. The beauty of all beauties. That is what you have.
Do you know where your home is? Find your home.
Every day that you are alive, don't stop living. Be alive every day that you are. Even if you are on your last legs.
In my downs, I want to remember the up. And in my ups, I want to remember the up, up!
You are here. It's on! It's happening. The beautiful music you hear - the orchestra is not just warming up.
The day dawns, you awaken, you stir, and you are alive.
You want to know about karma? Pinch yourself. Do you feel pain? Karma. If the person sitting next to you screams, you pinched the wrong person.
You want to know the truth? The truth resides inside of you. Where else would it be?
Everything that is necessary for you to truly enjoy yourself is here. Make the connection.
You are alive. You have in you the ocean of joy. You have in you the ultimate happiness. Make the connection.
When you don't know, even answers are questions. And when you know, even questions become answers. How cool is that. How wonderful is that.
When you don't know, you wonder. When you do know, you are thankful. Make the connection.
It doesnt matter how old you are, how young you are, it isnt all here yet. It's still coming. Life is still coming.
It's raining gold. And here is the good news: it is going to continue. I better start gathering that gold.
Be rich. Feel rich. There are people who are very poor, but they feel rich. Do not be confused by your circumstances.
To be content in the heart, and to feel that place from which comes gratitude. Be in that simplicity.
Imagine a guy walking around, offering sandwiches. Are you hungry? Not, "Do you have a book?"
I am hungry now. I don’t want to read about food. This hunger can be satisfied. That’s good news.
I have the tickets to the best show in town. And you want them. If you want those tickets, I have them.
Here it is. Heaven on earth. What a show it is. Incredible. For you - for me. To understand. To grow.
If this place is really for suffering, get rid of the beautiful sunsets.
Don’t try to make every day the same. But see the same beauty in every day. Every day.
It is not impossible to be happy in this lifetime. It is possible. And don’t take no for an answer.
Give a chance to all that you already know. You already know.
Whatever you decide to do, be at peace. Experience dignity in your life. Experience peace in your life.
~ Prem Rawat (Santa Monica, March 2010-03-07
(courtesy of Tweets from Innerlink) Robyn Botellho
We are all so interested in everyone else's story. Are you interested in what's going on in your little world?
There are people that are so fascinated about what's going to happen after they die, but they have no clue what's going on in their life.
The reality is that you are alive. That's a good reality.
Remember, it wasn't that long ago that we were on top of the world - everybody was rich. And then...
All of a sudden, you are not rich anymore. It disappears. This is the grand illusion. Looks incredibly real.
Illusion: it looks real. But is fake. That's the trap. We say reality is horrible. You exist. This is a beautiful reality.
Do you know what appreciation is? Regardless of age, this is one of the things that wil not change.
Appreciation. Even when you are 90yrs old, glasses look like binoculars. Appreciation. Yes.
The power of appreciation is not going to change. Hone in on it.
Is there something that is truly worth appreciating? And the answer is yes. What is it?
The moment you understand the simplicity of existence, this is worth appreciating.
Your desire to be fulfilled. This is worth appreciating. So basic. So fundamental.
A baby has a life in front of them. They have no idea of all the things that are going to happen in their life.
Ultimately, the decision to remain content at any given moment lies with that baby. Just as it lies with you. This is a decision you can make.
Deciding to be content: big decision. Will you? Are you going to?
Find out what you have and believe me, you will stop measuring you life by what you don't have.
Why make this earth so incredibly beautiful - after having seen it 200,000 times, it still takes your breath away?
There is a gift. If you don't know what that gift is, then you are always going to be looking somewhere else.
Find out what you have. Please. It is the gift of all gifts. The beauty of all beauties. That is what you have.
Do you know where your home is? Find your home.
Every day that you are alive, don't stop living. Be alive every day that you are. Even if you are on your last legs.
In my downs, I want to remember the up. And in my ups, I want to remember the up, up!
You are here. It's on! It's happening. The beautiful music you hear - the orchestra is not just warming up.
The day dawns, you awaken, you stir, and you are alive.
You want to know about karma? Pinch yourself. Do you feel pain? Karma. If the person sitting next to you screams, you pinched the wrong person.
You want to know the truth? The truth resides inside of you. Where else would it be?
Everything that is necessary for you to truly enjoy yourself is here. Make the connection.
You are alive. You have in you the ocean of joy. You have in you the ultimate happiness. Make the connection.
When you don't know, even answers are questions. And when you know, even questions become answers. How cool is that. How wonderful is that.
When you don't know, you wonder. When you do know, you are thankful. Make the connection.
It doesnt matter how old you are, how young you are, it isnt all here yet. It's still coming. Life is still coming.
It's raining gold. And here is the good news: it is going to continue. I better start gathering that gold.
Be rich. Feel rich. There are people who are very poor, but they feel rich. Do not be confused by your circumstances.
To be content in the heart, and to feel that place from which comes gratitude. Be in that simplicity.
Imagine a guy walking around, offering sandwiches. Are you hungry? Not, "Do you have a book?"
I am hungry now. I don’t want to read about food. This hunger can be satisfied. That’s good news.
I have the tickets to the best show in town. And you want them. If you want those tickets, I have them.
Here it is. Heaven on earth. What a show it is. Incredible. For you - for me. To understand. To grow.
If this place is really for suffering, get rid of the beautiful sunsets.
Don’t try to make every day the same. But see the same beauty in every day. Every day.
It is not impossible to be happy in this lifetime. It is possible. And don’t take no for an answer.
Give a chance to all that you already know. You already know.
Whatever you decide to do, be at peace. Experience dignity in your life. Experience peace in your life.
~ Prem Rawat (Santa Monica, March 2010-03-07
sábado, 6 de marzo de 2010
I am not here to give you peace, I am here to put you the idea in your head, that peace exist inside of you. Everything I want to do today, is come today and really make you feel that there is a new way. But when its about to feel the peace inside, this is our own responsibility. A journey of own thousand miles, start with the first step, !Please give that first step!. Maharaji
I am not here to give you peace, I am here to put you the idea in your head, that peace exist inside of you. Everything I want to do today, is come today and really make you feel that there is a new way. But when its about to feel the peace inside, this is our own responsibility. A journey of own thousand miles, start with the first step, !Please give that first step!. Maharaji
En busca de la Paz, en Español
- Name:
- En busca de la Paz, en Español
- Category:
- Common Interest - Beliefs & Causes
- Description:
- “ ¿Qué es la existencia? Te voy a contar lo que es la existencia. Es bastante especial. Y ¿sabes por qué? Porque es un puente, un puente increíble entre lo finito y lo infinito. Es aquí donde ocurre. Aquí es donde ambos se encuentran. Este es el umbral donde ambos se pueden encontrar, donde lo mortal puede experimentar la inmortalidad. No hay ningún otro lugar. ” -Maharaji-Prem Rawat Maharaji nació como Prem Rawat en el norte de India en 1957. Por más de 40 años, Maharaji ha trabajado implacablemente en esparcir el auto-conocimiento a personas de todo el mundo ofreciendo a todos una oportunidad de satisfacer la sed por contentamiento que yace en lo más profundo de nuestro ser. PREM RAWAT habla acerca de la paz interior. Desde su niñez está informando a las personas acerca de la posibilidad de satisfacción completa en ésta vida. Su mensaje no está ligado a religión, cultura o raza. El, simplemente recuerda a las personas de nuestra propia sed innata, y de nuestro propio oasis interno que puede calmar esa sed. Además de palabras y conceptos, Prem Rawat ofrece a las personas las herramientas que pueden transformar esa posibilidad en realidad. BIENVENIDOS, LA PAZ ES POSSIBLE "Alguna vez te has preguntado que te inspira a ver la belleza? Es la belleza en ti. Que es lo que se requiere para ver la verdadera belleza? se requiere una manera de poder ir adentro." "y si tu estas cerca de Dios, su perfume inundara tu vida"- Maharaji en Espana. En una reciente conferencia, Prem Rawat lanzó un singular reto a la audiencia: “Consigue que el haber venido a este mundo tenga sentido. Disfruta de estar vivo. Aprovecha al máximo cada momento, sácale todo el partido que puedas y proponte alcanzar la plenitud”. (read less)“ ¿Qué es la existencia? Te voy a contar lo que es la existencia. Es bastante especial. Y ¿sabes por qué? Porque es un puente, un puente increíble entre lo finito y lo infinito. Es aquí donde ocurre. Aquí es donde ambos se encuentran. Este es el umbral donde ambos se pueden encontrar, donde lo mortal puede experimentar la inmortalidad. No hay ningún otro lugar. ” -Maharaji-Prem Rawat Maharaji nació como Prem Rawat en el norte de India en 1957. Por más de 40 años, Maharaji ha trabajado... (read more)
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- Aspirantes de este conocimiento, esta es una invitacion para que se unan al grupo. Hay que estar en contacto, oir y ver sus ultimos videos. Vamos aspirantes! Para descubrir más cerca de Maharaji, favor visitar la pagina de Internet www.wordsofpeace.org o llamar (818)879-1500. Si quieres escuchar las más recientes intervenciones sobre LA PAZ de Prem Rawat puedes ingresar a la siguiente página en internet: http://mspeaks.com. Para escuchar los Videos Words of Peace: los Miercoles en el Canal 26 de Comcast para el condado de Marin, California, a las 8:30PM. Este grupo fue creado para que nos podamos comunicar en este idioma. Para poder vernos atraves de las fotos y por supuesto para hacer un homenaje a nuestro Maesto Maharaji.
jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010
Primer evento de 2010 en Santa Mónica
MARZO 2010 | ||||||||||
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