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Copyright © Words of Peace Global Words of Peace Global | P.O. Box 2745, 1000 CS Amsterdam | The Netherlands |
viernes, 26 de febrero de 2010
event in Boulder, Colorado on September 13, 2009
jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010
Peace needs to be FELT
Peace needs to be FELT! feat. Fortune & Piera Pizzi Key J Quartet
seconda imperdibile edizione!Type: |
Start Time: | Friday, March 5, 2010 at 9:30pm |
End Time: | Saturday, March 6, 2010 at 1:30am |
Location: | FELT CLUB music & school degli Ausoni 84 ( San Lorenzo) Roma |
Street: | degli Ausoni 84 ( zona San Lorenzo) |
martes, 23 de febrero de 2010
lunes, 22 de febrero de 2010
Donate to Blanca Oraa Moyua's Birthday Wish
domingo, 21 de febrero de 2010
¿Cómo quieres participar?
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jueves, 18 de febrero de 2010
Por La Fundación Prem Rawat
TPRF Suministra alimentos a los supervivientes del terremoto en Haití
Por La Fundación Prem Rawat |
Viernes 22 de Enero de 2010 12:43 |
Tres días después del terremoto, la fundación hizo un donativo de USD 50.000 a “Friends of the World Food Program” [Amigos del Programa World Food] para contribuir al envío inmediato de ayuda a los supervivientes. Gracias a que el World Food Program (WFP) tiene un programa de ayuda alimentaria en Haití, que está en marcha desde hace mucho tiempo, estaba en la mejor posición para comenzar con la distribución de alimentos en las primeras 24 horas de crisis. Puede leer la nota de prensa aquí.. Esto es solo el comienzo, la TPRF tiene planificado suministrar ayuda esencial a las personas en Haití, mientras empiezan su largo camino hacia la superación después de la catástrofe. Personas de todas partes del mundo se están uniendo a la campaña, haciendo donativos a través de correo electrónico, de la página web de la TPRF y de la página creada para esta campaña en Facebook. Es conmovedor ver la respuesta de todos los que apoyan los esfuerzos de la Fundación para enviar cosas básicas para la vida a aquellos que más lo necesitan. |
martes, 16 de febrero de 2010
As the weeks go by since the January 12 earthquake in Haiti, clean water and medical treatment continue to be crucial elements for survival. A grant of US$50,000 from The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF) will help provide a two-week supply of bottled water for 42,000 people; distribute purification sachets to produce 13 million gallons of potable water to communities where none is available; and distribute oral rehydration solution and salts (ORS) to treat 125,000 children and adults at risk of severe dehydration and water-borne illnesses. The AmeriCares Foundation, recipient of the grant, has developed a three-pronged initiative to address the water crisis during the acute phase of disaster response, six to eight weeks after the quake. As clean running water is scarce due to the breakdown of water mains, bottled water is being delivered to shelters, camps and medical facilities. |
“Unámonos en un despliegue de solidaridad con las personas del mundo entero que buscan la paz, la justicia y el bienestar económico para toda la humanidad”. Este era el objetivo principal del festival “It’s your World” [Es tu Mundo] celebrado el pasado noviembre en Columbus (Ohio). Patrocinado por las Naciones Unidas, el 54to “Annual Columbus International Festival” [Festival Internacional Anual de Columbus], rindió homenaje a las singulares tradiciones y perspectivas de las diferentes culturas. Este evento brindó la oportunidad para celebrar y experimentar la bella diversidad de nuestro mundo y presentar a los asistentes una multitud de tradiciones internacionales a través de artesanías, espectáculos y gastronomía. Dado su enfoque global, era un foro ideal para promover las iniciativas de paz y comprensión. Para Denise Cartwright y un grupo de personas a las que inspira el mensaje de Prem Rawat, el festival de dos días fue una buena oportunidad para presentar a otras personas el mensaje de paz. |
lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010
Words of Peace
Words of Peace participa en el festival internacional de Columbus -Estados Unidos-
Este parece ser el primer evento promocional de Words of Peace en este tipo de festivales. -muy similar a los que viene realizando en España la Fundación La Paz es Posible-
Este parece ser el primer evento promocional de Words of Peace en este tipo de festivales. -muy similar a los que viene realizando en España la Fundación La Paz es Posible-
sábado, 13 de febrero de 2010
Congratulate the Cause
Congrats! Your cause, TPRF: Food for People, earned a new pixel crowd, Rally, by reaching 50,000 members.
This would not have happened without you and the other members of the cause who invited their friends so thank you.
Congratulate the Cause
To reach the next pixel crowd, Parade, we need 75,000 members.
Thank you and keep it up!
The Causes Team
P.S. Don't forget to congratulate the cause!
This would not have happened without you and the other members of the cause who invited their friends so thank you.
Congratulate the Cause
To reach the next pixel crowd, Parade, we need 75,000 members.
Thank you and keep it up!
The Causes Team
P.S. Don't forget to congratulate the cause!
Haiti Relief Efforts: Update from the Field
Dear Friends of TPRF, Thanks to the generosity of people all over the world, TPRF has made its second grant to help earthquake survivors in Haiti. This contribution of $50,000 will help address the serious lack of fresh, clean water that is putting thousands more at risk of life-threatening illness from contaminated water. Most at risk are children, who get dehydrated very easily. Specifically, it will help provide: bottled water for over 42,000 people in camps and medical centers; water purification kits for communities with no access to clean water; and rehydration fluids for over 125,000 children and some adults. We are now investigating the best way to help with longer-term aid, which will continue to be needed even as world attention shifts to other concerns. If you would like to read more about this grant, the press release with photos is now on our website. |
viernes, 12 de febrero de 2010
Dear Friends of TPRF,
In the last two months, TPRF has sponsored 13 multi-day eye clinics in India with our partner Premsagar Foundation, serving over 13,500 people in seven urban areas. We were very moved by the expressions of gratitude from so many of the people who attended, expressing their appreciation not just for the much-needed help with their eye-care needs, but also for the respect and care they felt from the people involved in the clinics.
If you would like to read more about it, the press release with photos is now on our Website.
With best wishes,
viernes, 5 de febrero de 2010
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Palabras de Paz en Líbano
Palabras de Paz en Líbano
Bahia Zahnan, una socióloga residente en Líbano, lleva el mensaje de Prem Rawat por Oriente Próximo con los materiales de Words of Peace traducidos al árabe (ver su web). Su conmovedora historia personal impresionó a la periodista que la entrevistaba para la TV de Dubai.
jueves, 4 de febrero de 2010
“Let us come together in a show of solidarity with people around the world who seek peace, justice, and economic well-being for all of humanity.” This was the main objective of last November’s “It’s Your World” Festival in Columbus, Ohio. Sponsored by the United Nations, the 54th Annual Columbus International Festival honored the unique traditions and perspectives of a variety of cultures. This event was an opportunity to celebrate and experience the beautiful diversity of our world and to expose attendees to a multitude of international traditions through crafts, performances, and cuisine. Given its global appeal, it was an ideal forum for promoting initiatives of peace and understanding. For Denise Cartwright and a number of others who have been inspired by Prem Rawat, the two-day festival seemed like a unique opportunity to introduce others to his message of peace. |
martes, 2 de febrero de 2010
Cada vez son más los funcionarios de Naciones Unidas que ven la paz personal como algo básico y necesario.
Take a Survey for I.M.O.W. and Support Haiti
Take a Survey for I.M.O.W. and Support Haiti | ||
It’s a new decade, and I.M.O.W. is looking to the future with a new strategic plan for the organization—but we need your help! Please take our survey and help us determine the future of I.M.O.W.’s Web site and community. For every person who completes the survey, I.M.O.W.’s board will donate $1 to the Global Fund for Women’s Crisis Fund to support our sisters in Haiti.* The survey should take less than 10 minutes. Please help a good cause and support I.M.O.W.! * For at least the first 2,000 respondents |
Proyecto de Apoyo a la Difusión en España
Enviar a un amigo | ||||||||||||||||||
Para: Blanca Oraa | ||||||||||||||||||
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Convocatoria 2010
Convocatoria 2010
Hasta el 1 de marzo todas las entidades sin ánimo de lucro que trabajan por mejorar las condiciones sociales de los más desfavorecidos podrn presentar sus proyectos a la nueva convocatoria de Obra Social BBK
01 de Febrero de 2010
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