jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012

20 receptores / 20 headphone receivers

Precisamos de tu ayuda ya que han faltado 20 receptores en el reciente evento en el CCIB de Barcelona, España.
Words of Peace Global tendrá que abonar EUR 270 por receptor desaparecido.
Si te has llevado por olvido uno de los receptores, rogamos que nos lo comuniques al siguiente correo electrónico helpdesk@wopg.org y que lo envíes cuanto antes a la siguiente dirección:

Consell de Cent 77
08015 Barcelona
Muchas gracias por tu colaboración,

We are asking for your help as 20 headphone receivers were not returned after the recent events at CCIB in Barcelona, Spain.
Words of Peace Global will have to pay 270 euros for each receiver that isn't returned.
If you took a receiver away from the event by mistake, please be so kind as to notify us athelpdesk@wopg.org and to send the receiver as soon as possible to:

Consell de Cent 77
08015 Barcelona
Thank you very much for your help,
Copyright © Words of Peace Global

Words of Peace Global | P.O. Box 2745, 1000 CS Amsterdam | The Netherlands

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